Well I charged battery, new drivers, different usb cord hooked to different input, new sbf and same result . I'm getting a bad feeling I'm screwed
Haven't been able to sleep and thought I would try it out on my wifes laptop. I installed everything and still am getting a pass on rsd and same boot error . At least it rules out my computer if that is any consolation (which its not).
I followed the instructions at http://www.droidforums.net/forum/motorola-droid-x2/155969-droid-x2-sbf-get-here-2.html which said hold volume down and it did come up fast boot and I got into the rsd protocol menu but now it does nothing . I tried as you suggested just now to do volume up and power and it still eventually comes up Failed to boot 4 starting RSD mode.
Okay If It's Saying Starting RSD Mode Then Plug It Back Into Your Computer And Re-Flash The SBF. Also Be Sure Your USB Cable Is In The Back Ports Not Top Or Front.