Eh, it's pretty close, it was nice to play with but even something like Siri or OK Google get in the way from time to time just make sure to set it up so it is not activated unintentionally.
I do recommend having it shipped to you. I ended up grabbing one with external memory and adding a sd card, also by having it shipped to me I was able to use it to make sure there were no issues as well as input the contacts and get the home screen set up with the contacts.
I learned a lesson awhile ago by sending the item to my grandmother and trying to help her set it up over the phone. It was a headache because she had no basis to understand what I was saying about home buttons, settings, etc. Then when I saw the device I realized that it was different from the pictures I saw on google/YT as the phone was updated, which explained why my grandmother did not have a clue what I was talking about. So it was a good learning experience.
Once I got everything set up (contacts, a few games, etc) it just made things easier for my grandmother and myself as I knew where to tell her to go as I already took the time to navigate through the device prior and I was talking to her via firsthand knowledge vs going off pictures.
Hope that helps.
Also the other benefit of it shipping to you first is you get to update and check for bugs and issues. I have bought devices that looked great on Amazon but once I opened it it was either so buggy or too small for me to even use. I experienced that with a Blu phone and man if I got frustrated imagine what someone who wasn't tech savvy would feel. That gift would have gone from blessing to curse.