Phone Radio


Sep 16, 2013
Reaction score
I just left my local big red corporate store without my new turbo, it had a worse signal than my crippled Razr Max (Turbo -117 dBm. Razr Maxx -87 dbm.) was told by the rep that it was because we were in a building with a metal roof. When I asked why my maxx was working so much better, I was told I need to ask some one in tech or maybe Motorola tech line. Waited almost 45 min for a "tech person" and when I tried to leave the original sales rep seemed offended that I wouldn't take his word for it. Anyone that actually has a turbo, how does the phone side of this phone work in fringe areas?
Could be a matter of the phone being newly activated as well. Towers adjusting to your account being tied to that device versus the one that you've been using all this time.

How's it been since?
I don't have a Turbo (yet), still have a Droid Maxx, but a good friend does have a Turbo. I was with him Friday afternoon for a few hours in an area that is known for lousy Verizon reception. My Droid Maxx had full bars of 3G, his Droid Turbo had 1 bar of 4G and my work phone (a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 had no 3G or 4G, only a phone signal). One thing Motorola is known for is their great antennas in their phones. I would think you should have an even better signal than your Razr Maxx. Have you tried just a simple reboot since the initial activation?
Reseat your sim card... While the phone is on.. Pull the simcard out.. Carefully.. Then power off the device.. Reinsert the sim and power the turbo on... Should help
I live in a small valley so my Turbo generally only has about 2 bars of 4g or it goes into 3G. I've never had a dropped call with it yet .
Honestly I haven't done side by side comparisons but I have 2 Droid MAXXs and a Nexus 6, so tonight I'll do a comparison with all 4.
I left without it. My Razr Maxx was smoking all 3 Turbos they had on display as was the Maxx that was on display. I have several Samsung device's that are excellent camera's or great for surfing the web, I'm actually on one right now. I got this S3 to from my daughter to replace my Razr Maxx and works great until (if) the phone rings. I don't know what amazes me more the performance of the phone or the arrogance of the rep.
I am very interested in your results foxkat, I've narrowed down to Turbo, Xperia Z3, Nexus 6. I discovered the Z3 while I was waiting on the tech person. It's a very nice device.
Samsung has greatly improved their radio over the S3, so if you're a Samsung fan you can go that route and still have a device that works great in "fringe areas". Motorola's superiority in this department isn't as lopsided as it once was. The great thing is, regardless of what device you decide on, with Verizon you have 14 days to decide if you like it or not.
Good luck!

S5 tap'n
Thanks CR6 I was so amazed with the Z3 that I did not look ay any other Samsung device's mostly because my daughter (the one that handed me down her S3 when she got her S5) has been trying to get me to give her my upgrade for her 2 month old S5 that is not very reliable at my house either. The 14 day return policy comes with a $45.00 restocking fee, while not that unreasonable will get kinda pricey if it takes 3 or 4 try's to get a good one. I have since learned that Moto radio's are designed to work very well on big red's CMDA network, that is why I'm so interested in foxkat's results, I hope he gets them up here before 2 or 3, thanx all of the idea's I will keep you all updated.
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I'm going back today to try to resolve this, I absolutely love this S3 for everything except the phone radio and battery life. I have fixed the battery problem, but I am definitely going to test the Note4 and the S6. I'm not really a phablet kinda guy but if the phone side works good I've got some more research to do. I really appreciate all the fast and honest responses. I will update this evening. I've been saying since I got this S3 I wish I could take the phone radio out of my Razr Maxx and put it in the S3, I would have the greatest device on the planet.
My Turbo's connection is better than my old iPhone. In my area both 3G and LTE are available, but not too strong. And most of the time, my iPhone wouldn't even load anything when on LTE, even though it was connected. My Turbo keeps a LTE connection and does load. I don't remember the exact dBm numbers from my iPhone, but from what I remember, my Turbo had the stronger connection.

It also could be that since your S3 was traveling, and the stores display models haven moved, your S3 was still reading a connection to a different tower. I notice that when I'm not at home and in an area with 4-5 bars, its still reads that for a few mins when I get home (longer if I don't touch my phone) and at home I get between 1-2 occasionally a 3rd bar
@woodstock My S3 never leaves the house I use it on my Wi-Fi connection, it is not activated any more because it can not keep a signal long enough to complete a call(at my house), I use my crippled Razr Maxx for voice calls because I have not found a suitable replacement yet that can do both, that is the purpose of my original question. I thought I wanted a Turbo but after the performance I witnessed at the Verizon store, I'm pretty sure I was wrong. The search is still on. I am not bashing anybody's anything, if I get in my car and drive in any direction for 5 or 6 miles the S3 works fine. My Razr Maxx works perfectly fine as a phone at my house but can no longer do anything else, would be nice to have a device that can do both.I have specific needs and am looking for a little guidance towards a newer device that has an above average phone radio.
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Reseat your sim card... While the phone is on.. Pull the simcard out.. Carefully.. Then power off the device.. Reinsert the sim and power the turbo on... Should help
What purpose would this serve?