Phone Vibration?


New Member
Nov 12, 2009
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Is there a way to make the phone vibration stronger so I will definitely feel it in my pocket?

The vibration is kind of weak and I don't want sound on my text messages (which I sometimes miss now)
Is there a way to make the phone vibration stronger so I will definitely feel it in my pocket?

The vibration is kind of weak and I don't want sound on my text messages (which I sometimes miss now)

I'm thinking that the problem is not so much the strength but the length. On my Centro you were given several choices of vibrate patterns and I used two long vibrates per alert. I saw mention somewhere that this can be set on Android but I suspect it will take an app since there are no apparent parameters to set.
The vibrate on this phone is better then my other phones i've had. In baggier pants, yes it might be hard to feel it, in my jeans (they aren't tight but not super baggy), i feel it 100% of the time. I have downloaded and use handcent, i have it set up to notify me multiple times if i miss the notification. So it vibrates for the initial and then i think i set it up to do it 3 more times at a 5 minute interval.

EDIT: you can also use handcent to make the vibrate long or multiple long vibrates.