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PhoneMyPc- suggestions/comments/fix requests

Yea I was told personally that it would be out most likley on Tuesday, but I was told that about 3 weeks ago... For the money I paid months ago, I just want some SSL security and a little update, all I ask... Plus a phone application shouldn't be in Beta for months and months.... uhhg.

Usually I am a patient calm guy..

I agree with you, I am a fairly laid back person as well. Since I will not leave my PCs unlocked this app was useless to me. After months of promised updates I replied to the other PhoneMyPC thread and asked again when the update would be made available. The developers response was that one of his employees had a cold and that was the reason for the lack of updates. Not feeling very confident with that answer I PMd the developer and asked for a refund. He was very polite and issued the refund with an apology and again stated that the new release would have these features implemented. This was in January and since then there has been one minor update. Which didn't implement any of the features that were promised at the begging of the year.

I saw this update this morning and almost gave in and downloaded the app again. I figured I would wait to see some responses from users before trying this again. After these responses, im glad I waited. Which is a shame because the app itself works great. I am just not confident enough accessing my personal files through their servers at this point. Hopefully one of the larger companies like LogMeIn or GoToMyPC will make an app that is just as user friendly for Android.

And yeah a $10 app that has been in beta for over a half of year is a shame.
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Ooops.. I downloaded the new V2.0 that was a mistake.

Not working now, installed the new client (PC) software and the new Droid app., not connecting even though I filled out the new form info.

Looks like there is a new field to be entered "License Key" it's mentioned that the new key will be emailed to you.

It looks like sound is now implemented with this upgrade and a "Camera Button"???, "DPAD"???

Lets see if I get License Key via Email.

Ron W.
Still not working, but I say be patient. The developer is extremely kind and helping and I am sure they are working on the issue.

Rjsurfer, there is no sound. It says in the next update sound will be included. I have noticed however on the new computer application it doesn't let you exit anymore, which I think is stupid. I don't want it to be on all the time. I am glad that this version apparently includes a good SSL secure connection to your PC... Well see what happens when it's fixed..
Ooops.. I downloaded the new V2.0 that was a mistake.

Not working now, installed the new client (PC) software and the new Droid app., not connecting even though I filled out the new form info.

Looks like there is a new field to be entered "License Key" it's mentioned that the new key will be emailed to you.

It looks like sound is now implemented with this upgrade and a "Camera Button"???, "DPAD"???

Lets see if I get License Key via Email.

Ron W.

According to the dev there is no sound in this version:

We have much work yet to do--bug fixes, sound, other features--and we're now staging our work so we'll never go "months" between updates again.


Here's a stock email we sent to all who emailed us during an unfortunate outage this morning:

After this morning's release, we found a new bug as PCs flocked to our new servers. This caused all sorts of connection issues and took many hours to locate and repair.

It is fixed now and service has been restored to normal.

We have new troubleshooting guidelines, descriptions of new features and much more that we will add to our website within the next few days. We chose to release before having that done because the software is substantially similar in use to what it has been, and our customers were rightly anxious.

We apologize for the long delay in answering your email; we're usually much faster than this, but we prioritize our work by criticality: a service outage is always our #1 priority.

Finally, a few comments about common questions:

* The License Key infrastructure is in place, but it is not yet active, meaning you do not need one at this time. Before we activate the feature, we will email you a key.

* The PC application must be updated for the new software to work. Uninstall the old version, then download and install the new version. It will be 2.0.0.
Greetings again,

As the most popular thread related to PhoneMyPC, I wanted to take a moment to talk about the permissions PhoneMyPC now requests, and our licensing scheme.

The goal of licensing is to protect our server resources for the customers who pay for them. At worst, there have been times when about 1/2 of the users of our servers were using unpaid copies of the software. An additional goal is to tie the ownership of premium features (if and when we release any, such as the ability to manage 100's or 1000's of PC's, for IT people) to some identity so that is is portable.

The way this will work, once implemented, is each purchaser will receive a key via email. It is a simple string of characters. You put the key into the software on your phone, then forget about it. Even if you factory reset your phone, you never need to enter the key again--you still get updates, and you still have access to any premium content you have purchased.

The only time you need to use your key again is if and when you switch to a new phone or device, in which case you can enter your key and go; no hassles, no need to talk to us or re-purchase the software. Our servers will note that the key is no longer valid on the old device, and that it is valid on the new device.

We are trying to make sure you get what you pay for, and that you never have to pay a second time.

Now, to do this, we need to gather certain data from the phone so we can identify it. Specifically:
* IMEI or other carrier-provided ID, if present
* Phone number, if present
* Android unique ID, if present

We use a combination of these to identify the device.

However--and this is the key--these bits of data never leave your phone in their original form. We hash them so that they remain highly unique, but we never see the real data on our servers.

There are often discussions about apps that mine data on our phones, and my response is always that developers should take responsibility for being transparent about what they collect and what they do with it. This post is just a start on that mission for us, because this forum has more of our users than anyplace else.

So, we read the three IDs mentioned above, hash them (in an irreversible way), and use them to identify your phone. We do not read phone call or any other data.

We take privacy very seriously--and by that we do not mean "we want your data, and we will protect it," but rather we mean "we just do not want your data."
Is anyone able to use the new update?

I DL the new program for my PC and updated the app. No worky for me.

Is anyone able to use the new update?

I DL the new program for my PC and updated the app. No worky for me.


I havent tried yet, I want to keep the version that semi works before Im ready to commit to a fully non working version :) But I think you need to uninstall the old one from phone then reinstall it.. but not 100%...
Works well for me. Installed the new one to both my phone and computer. One thing to note is that on the phone the first letter of the password is automatically capitalized but on the pc it is not...
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