Photos taken with your Galaxy Nexus Thread

Just got my new Beats by Dr Dre: Mixr's. :) (For the record, I know they're not the best sounding quality, I'm not dumb.. you're buying a brand. But they still have really good sound with an amazing look unlike most headphones. Gotta be stylin' and profilin' for Track meets this year. So far, 6 other people on are Varisity team have Beats.):icon_ lala:

From sunny California

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
1st picture is about a million dollars worth of equipment

Other is NASA snapback

And sushi.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
^ looks yummy! ;)
Over on our sister site,, I was asked to do a comparison of some Gnex pics with the Razr Maxx in a thread. All I could do was some indoor nighttime shots, so here you go:



I think the shots where a flash was used, the Gnex kills the Razr Maxx, which is no surprise... I don't think Moto's released a phone in over a year (if ever?) where the flash doesn't wash everything out. And something to keep in mind if, at any point, you're thinking "hey those are pretty darn close to each other" - the Gnex did all of those much faster than the Razr. The Razr tended to want to re-focus too much, especially on the flash shots.

Now if I could just get that Gnex battery to last a day... :icon_eek:

Edit: forgot I threw in some speedtest screenshots as well at the end... the Gnex kinda surprised me on those.
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Thanks for that - good to know. I'm guessing that doesn't affect signal strength/reliability, but rather just throughput? Forgive me if I'm not using the right terminology...

Correct. I know the gnex has taken a beating over signal strength, and I too agree it's not a good as some other phones at retaining a 4G signal in fringe areas, but the radio is actually better than what most are using right now. I'm still betting further radio software updates will marginally improve on this though.

But antenna design is patent protected, and therefore some are going to be better than others. My guess is that plays a bigger part in any signal discrepancy, rather than which baseband chip is used.
Correct. I know the gnex has taken a beating over signal strength, and I too agree it's not a good as some other phones at retaining a 4G signal in fringe areas, but the radio is actually better than what most are using right now. I'm still betting further radio software updates will marginally improve on this though.

But antenna design is patent protected, and therefore some are going to be better than others. My guess is that plays a bigger part in any signal discrepancy, rather than which baseband chip is used.

That makes sense based solely on my experience alone. When the signal is good, the Nexus flies, and the Razr will still feel like it's dealing with a little more latency, not that it's bad... and I'm sure that latency could be caused by a number of factors as well.

I won't hijack this photo thread any more, but thanks for the info - you're always full of solid knowledge! :)