Pile of apps running at startup

Try AutoKiller from the marketplace... it does the task killing for you based on app activity.. I use this app and have noticed increased performance and battery life

I still have 20 or so apps that start on reboot but if I check back 10 minutes later, the autokiller has narrowed it down to just a few and I'm thinking those are probably the apps that are needed to help other apps run...

the speed of my phone is noticably better than using advancedtaskiller and the battery life is back to normal...

As for the apps that just keep running??? I've learned to live with it.... people on this forum know a lot more than I do and I've learned that task killing is a bonehead move

P.S. ... get rid of shopsavvy... it's a battery stomper
I had set my phone down while doing some work around the house, I hadn't used it in at least 3 hours or so, and just run ATK before putting the phone down... A few minutes later I look, and the LED's on the back of the phone are on, for some reason, DroidLight was running, as was FB, IMap Weather, Radar Now, Music, DigiClock Widget, Shop Savvy, You Tube, Corporate Calender, Settings, Market, and a couple of others.

This isn't the first time this has happened, either, with DroidLight starting on it's own, as well as all of those other apps starting in the background.