What's the easiest way to tell if I still have root? I used forever root and then updated to .893 and want to find out if I still have root.
What's the easiest way to tell if I still have root? I used forever root and then updated to .893 and want to find out if I still have root.
What's the easiest way to tell if I still have root? I used forever root and then updated to .893 and want to find out if I still have root.
Find one click r3l3as3droot, download and unpack it. Find Blur_Version.5.5.893.XT875.Verizon.en.US and download it and put it on your phones sd ext. Boot into your phones ap fastboot after u put your battery back in. You do this by holding up and down volume buttons and then pressing the power button and (using volume down to navigate through selections) selecting recovery (hit volume up for selecting). Start up releasedroot by clicking the batch file on your comp. Now plug in your phone once in ap fastboot. There should be instructions from there... don't forget to Yes, root at the end![]()
Hang on a sec... I gotta remove my battery again.
None of these methods are working for me. I've tried every root method I could find, and none of them have worked. Am I missing something??
Go read both these threads: [ROOT] R3L3AS3D W/FOR3V3R ROOT V1.0 LINUX/WINDOWS (Get ROOT after 893 OTA OOPS) - RootzWiki and R3L3As3Droot And 43V3R Root For The Bionic V2.1 - RootzWiki. Reading these will give you a much better understanding of what's going on and perhaps why you are failing.
The V2.1 is a proven tool. If it doesn't work for you, there is probably a solution in one of the two threads. You will need to pay particular attention to exactly when the program fails for you and exactly what it says when it fails. The read the thread and find something that fits your failure. The solution should be there somewhere.
Good luck.
I've read through both those posts... I spent my entire weekend going through them with a fine tooth comb as well as countless YouTube videos and other forums, and I still haven't found anything that works.
If the R3L3AS3D root method isn't working, try doing a factory data reset and then run it again. It fixed it for me and others as well.