Police Radio App Available

Works as advertised. Not sure if I'm going to keep it or not though....
Purchased and all it does is FC everytime. Uninstalled. Out $1.49. ooh well. Such is life.

If you uninstalled within the 24hr period you should not be charged. Let us know!

Will do. Went through the market for the refund. Looks like a cool app but keeps FC'ing whenever I open it. No biggie. When the next few updates for it come out I will try it again.

Just got the email saying that the purchased has been canceled.
I like it, my son and I listen to it on the truck radio using bluetooth. Works great. Not as good as a dedicated scanner but as far as I am concerned my Droid doesn't work as good as a phone as a dedicated phone so sacrifices are made.

As for being illegal in the US, haven't seen that before. Someone posted this address as a reference but best I can tell from reading it, this applies to someone that has committed a felony or during the act of committing a crime. N/A here. Could be wrong, someone will point it out if I am no doubt.

Michigan Legislature - Section 750.508

I like it, my son and I listen to it on the truck radio using bluetooth. Works great. Not as good as a dedicated scanner but as far as I am concerned my Droid doesn't work as good as a phone as a dedicated phone so sacrifices are made.

As for being illegal in the US, haven't seen that before. Someone posted this address as a reference but best I can tell from reading it, this applies to someone that has committed a felony or during the act of committing a crime. N/A here. Could be wrong, someone will point it out if I am no doubt.

Michigan Legislature - Section 750.508


I posted that. I live in Michigan, I have family that are cops. If you are pulled over for speeding and have a radio on and in the car they can say that you were using it to evade police.
Radio time found 3 police/fire channels for me here in colorado...it new my location and showed me all fm am police radio. Police Radio showed me about 10 in my county...pretty sweet!
I realize part of this is off topic but I couldn't just let it go. I understand they may say that but generally speaking tickets and arrest are based on statutes and the one quoted wouldn't cut it, for your average law abiding citizen not committing a crime. Besides the fact I am a HAM radio operator (yea, I know, big deal), specifically exempt, anyone can buy a HAM radio of which most will rec LE freqs and that is not illegal in this country. In fact amateur radio is exempt from many laws based on it's use in emergency services. Like I said I may be wrong but based on what was sent, I am not. Do they also say you are going to run from them if you have on running shoes? And if they pulled you over and you were using it to evade them, apparently you weren't using it right :)

ON TOPIC PART: The app includes most areas around here in Va and includes a map showing the general location of transmitters. Not bad for $1.50

I like it, my son and I listen to it on the truck radio using bluetooth. Works great. Not as good as a dedicated scanner but as far as I am concerned my Droid doesn't work as good as a phone as a dedicated phone so sacrifices are made.

As for being illegal in the US, haven't seen that before. Someone posted this address as a reference but best I can tell from reading it, this applies to someone that has committed a felony or during the act of committing a crime. N/A here. Could be wrong, someone will point it out if I am no doubt.

Michigan Legislature - Section 750.508


I posted that. I live in Michigan, I have family that are cops. If you are pulled over for speeding and have a radio on and in the car they can say that you were using it to evade police.
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Is this an AF joke?

Can the radio in the driod even pick up these freqencies?

It feeds thru this ap which by the way it cos a buck fifty, should have a try before you buy option:icon_eek:

Agreed.. perhaps a limit on number of frequencies as a 'trial' and unlocked on purchase.

No disrespect but something like this Im not shelling out unless I can verify it works.
Is this an AF joke?

Can the radio in the driod even pick up these freqencies?

It feeds thru this ap which by the way it cos a buck fifty, should have a try before you buy option:icon_eek:

Agreed.. perhaps a limit on number of frequencies as a 'trial' and unlocked on purchase.

No disrespect but something like this Im not shelling out unless I can verify it works.

You can uninstall it within 24 hours and get a full refund. That's plenty of time to verify that it works.
It feeds thru this ap which by the way it cos a buck fifty, should have a try before you buy option:icon_eek:

Agreed.. perhaps a limit on number of frequencies as a 'trial' and unlocked on purchase.

No disrespect but something like this Im not shelling out unless I can verify it works.

You can uninstall it within 24 hours and get a full refund. That's plenty of time to verify that it works.
uhmm....yeah! been mentioned at least half a dozen times in this thread alone! normal market knowledge.... =)