np bro just tryin to spread the info i know. android is complex 

i ran into a pretty big problem... during the restore process,it said "failed...unable to unmount system" and now im soft bricked but i have no way to add or remove files from the internal memory bcuz twrp doesnt allow for a mount usb storage... so it looks like im gonna have to ruu this sucker and do the process all over again...woo hoo...time to really lear how to use adb(gotta learn sometime)
i will keep watch on this thread in case there is something you may be able to add to the situation to help or comment on
p.s. my phone is my only form of internet whatsoever... i had the big V re activate my resound(rooted and rommed) so i can tether to get the ruu files and whatever else i may need...
if you still have twrp
1 dl this and unrar it DNA/DNA_Hackpack_with_adb.rar
2 place rom in the folder
3 go into twrp
4 connect phon via usb
5 click on advanced
6 click adb sideload
7 check clear cache and the other box as well
8 swipe
9 make a cmd prompt in the folder by rt clicking and holding shift
10 in the prompt type
adb sideload (replace with the name of the rom file)
11 reboot
Droid DNA > [ROM] Stock Rooted > XDAi cant seem to find a stock rom for 1.5 or whatever the previous build was...would you by chance have a link for one? i seen one on xda but cant find it for the life of me...
edit: i really need to get this backup restored,it has some things in it that i kinda really need
you are my freakin hero dude...
np bob android is finicky lol