Possible Updated Galaxy Nexus Might Be On Its Way


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Premium Member
Sep 21, 2010
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Do you own a Galaxy Nexus? Do you like it? Well maybe you might not want to read on because this news might bother you. The latest rumor/report on the web is that Samsung is possibly working on a new Galaxy Nexus. This news begins as a new Nenamark performance test of a Galaxy Nexus was posted online, and a screenshot started spreading throughout the web. Now the difference, according to the data, is that this new Galaxy Nexus has a much improved GPU called the PowerVR SGX 544 that can only be found in a new CPU called TI OMAP4470. This new CPU promises significant speed performance upgrades over what TI currently offers, and can be overclocked to 1.8 Ghz per core.

How's that sound folks? Interested in the Galaxy Nexus S 500 (Not a real name)?
Via: Phandroid
please. please be true, and let it come out in april when i get my upgrade...it would be the perfect month then, i get my upgrade, i get 4g lte in my area, and (on a side note lol) im going to an awesome concert
please. please be true, and let it come out in april when i get my upgrade...it would be the perfect month then, i get my upgrade, i get 4g lte in my area, and (on a side note lol) im going to an awesome concert

I wouldn't get *too* excited if I were you. Reports have indicated that even if this is a revamped Nexus, it will be on the Sprint network.

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I wouldn't get *too* excited if I were you. Reports have indicated that even if this is a revamped Nexus, it will be on the Sprint network.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
ehh, oh well the original is plenty good enough it'd just be cool if verizon got it
The ONLY thing I care about this is that Samsung should have waited. This should have been the Samsung Galaxy Nexus...not G-Nex Plus, advanced, whatever. This should have been it.
If true, I agree they should have launched the gnex with these specs originally, rather then launching a newer updated one just a few months later. However, I am very happy with gnex as is, and understand technology moves fast and is the nature of the beast. You just have to take the plunge and buy and be happy with what you got, as something better is always around the corner. But if this is a Sprint phone then its a lot more understandable.

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Why is it more understanding if it's a sprint phone. just wondering. I've never had Sprint, so I don't know
Just meaning its a different carrier and its launching a month or 2 later then when it did on Verizon, so the specs will be better is more understandable in my opinion. Is it fair or right is a whole different debate. Either way still love my gnex and will be happy with it until my next upgrade.

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I Actually completely agree. The G-Nex will serve me well for the next 2 years. No problem. It has everything I need. and will have everything I need.
That would be some BS.....

If it has different framework, the people that have sprint better hope not. not THAT many people have sprint, the dev following would be limited and split from the rest of us(even more so then it already it.)

I swear to god if it has a better camera....Im going to go to Google and bust some heads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate the current camera!!
Honestly this doesn't bother me in the slightest. I bought my phone the day it was released knowing within a month or so there would already be better phones on the market. Whether it's a different phone or the same phone with newer components really shouldn't matter to any of us. I think people are being WAY too sensitive when it comes to these phone releases. The OEM's are trying to make money and stay relevant, so for some (Moto) that means releasing a lot of phones in a short time. When you buy your phone and you don't have the full understanding a new and better product is directly coming down the pipeline, well that falls completely on you and not the manufacturer. Even if it is the same exact phone with better specs, to me it's still a new phone and I don't think anyone should be upset about that. Welcome to modern technology.
This might only effect ppl here that left Sprint, AT&T and T Mobile for the G Nex. Thats why I would never chase a phone.

And I wont be getting any more phones at launch. Maybe 3-4 months later.
This bothers me slightly, but not in the sense that others seem to indicate it would.

I'm not upset because a better phone is coming out a few months after I purchased my new one - this is totally expected and we all know technology (especially mobile phone tech) develops fast. What DOES irk me is that when I bought a Nexus phone, I was under the impression it would be the best Nexus branded phone available for at least a year. This is kind of BS if you ask me.

Had it been any other phone, I can deal with it. But releasing a Nexus successor within a few months of release of the Galaxy Nexus is just a slap in the face.
This bothers me slightly, but not in the sense that others seem to indicate it would.

I'm not upset because a better phone is coming out a few months after I purchased my new one - this is totally expected and we all know technology (especially mobile phone tech) develops fast. What DOES irk me is that when I bought a Nexus phone, I was under the impression it would be the best Nexus branded phone available for at least a year. This is kind of BS if you ask me.

Had it been any other phone, I can deal with it. But releasing a Nexus successor within a few months of release of the Galaxy Nexus is just a slap in the face.

Its sprint that's getting this phone (to make up for their crappy network). Do you really think verizon is THAT stupid?

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