I tend to be a contrarian. But I have a couple of problems with this change. First of all I can't afford it. I have been unemployed for several months.
Second of all I have a problem with them using information and posts that was, essentially, donated by the readers and now locking up that information as if they own it.
Third, a major appeal of the Android OS is it's openness. I understand how expensive it is to maintain and run a quality website. But I know that there are better ways to generate the necessary revenue. For example, on one forum site I use they ban all ads from eveeryone except for paying/subscribing advertisers. Second, they offer discounts on items in their store that are comparable to the discounts offered on competing sites.
Recently I was looking for a couple of accessories and so I went to the online store to see if I could make a purchase to save a few $$$s and still support the site. Nothing doing. Very disappointing.
In some ways this site is becoming a victim of itself. as it gains users it requires more work. More work requires more money. In many cases there is way too much noise for each post versus the amopunt of information offered. It has recently become quite common for a thread to grow to more than 50 or even 100 pages! There is no way that you can wade through all of that noise to find true information. When this happens, along with the charge for access to premium posts the value decreases quickly.
I am not trying to start a rebellion. Just explaining my feelings.