Matt and I have become good friends and he is one to go above and beyond in any project as he has done here. He will not sleep and eat (literally) until every bug is fixed and it works perfectly. The app is awesome and you can expect nothing less than incredible work from him.
+1....I don't know if he eats or sleeps : ) but I do know his projects are ALWAYS top notch and professional.
People will be blown away with this application. Its that good.....
Sent from my Droid
i installed 0.9 beta and the app tells me it needs access to my private data. funny. isn't that a paradox
i installed 0.9 beta and the app tells me it needs access to my private data. funny. isn't that a paradox
I agree lol, here are the permissions I use
So I can save data to the sdcard.
So I can access the internet for facebook posts, twitter tweets, emails, and send database info.
This one upset me, but was the only way I could popup the contact list so you can choose your email recipient. I would use the built in email clients to send email (Then it would not require then permission) but no email client supports html emails.
To check and make sure you bought the app
Time until release. (Although I did switch servers today)How much is the app going to be? and just a random question but why is their a time limit? lol, 4hours to go. You doing maintaining the server or something?
0.9 is the final beta.are there 2 of these apps? did you send out beta's? i just got 0.9
Privacy Inspector will be free.Not to touch on any touchy subjects here and sorry if I do, but will we here at the community get first taste before release to the Market? And if not, how much will this puppy cost? I am all for supporting the devs.
Haha nice answer but I get that its the release time. But i guess my question is why is their a release time? Are you fine tuning something still? Why make peeps wait? Their is a nice big announcement on the front page of DF but cant dl it yet.Time until release. (Although I did switch servers today)How much is the app going to be? and just a random question but why is their a time limit? lol, 4hours to go. You doing maintaining the server or something?
So when it says it will scan, detect and fix the app, what does that mean? Will it stop the apps ability to look at that info? Will it uninstall the app? Will it give the app fake info? Does it modify the app to no longer look at it/require it? Just sounds very odd.
Indeed it does, it baksmali's the classes.dex inside the .apk and looks for effected lines, once a line is detected and you choose to fix that line (you cannot just delete the line, the app will fc) so "user defined data" is used to replace the call to the actual function. So the app still thinks its "getting your data" when actual its getting false data. Then Pb smali, repackages the .apk, resign,uninstall original, then install the modded version.
Privacy Inspector will be free.
Privacy Blocker will be $2 for 2 weeks, then $4 after.
Haha nice answer but I get that its the release time. But i guess my question is why is their a release time? Are you fine tuning something still? Why make peeps wait? Their is a nice big announcement on the front page of DF but cant dl it yet.Time until release. (Although I did switch servers today)How much is the app going to be? and just a random question but why is their a time limit? lol, 4hours to go. You doing maintaining the server or something?
-MattLike making peeps wait? Frownie face for the wait.
Expecially since i arg at twitter, dont own an account and neva will. No beta for me then.
Keep up the goodwork. I definetly wont complain for a delay on busting butt. Cant wait to buy it.Haha nice answer but I get that its the release time. But i guess my question is why is their a release time? Are you fine tuning something still? Why make peeps wait? Their is a nice big announcement on the front page of DF but cant dl it yet.Time until release. (Although I did switch servers today)
-MattLike making peeps wait? Frownie face for the wait.
Expecially since i arg at twitter, dont own an account and neva will. No beta for me then.
The announcement was made a lil bit early, but yeah. im busting ass right now finishing up on it. The page was meant more for the beta users who have been testing this app for a week (But as I said, announcement went out a bit early).
i agree on waiting though