First off, let me correct my past failure, by starting off with a thank-you. The great thing about this forum is the way that people will step up to help.
Well, I am with you in believing that it is my phone.
I just tried to load Liquid 4.9 and I got the same error.
I am currently running SimplyStunning 4.9, so I am going to restore the Ultimate Droid 1.0 backup that I have and see if I can install once that is in place.
If that doesn't work, then I am going to assume that somehow the SPR image on the phone has been corrupted.
If that is the case, I am thinking that I will probably need to go all the way back to stock (by using RSD to flash the MC1_A855_1282081087_Recovery-Only_SPRecovery_0.99.3b.sbf file) and then going through the process to root the phone.
Or do you think that is overkill?
Ok, I restored the backup that I had of Ultimate Droid 1.0, which was on the phone when I flashed the SimplyStunning 4.9 ROM. Same issue.
Thank goodness for backups! At least I have a working phone.