Problem using dialpad to enter VM password


Feb 17, 2010
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When I am trying to check my voicemail and it asks me to enter my password, I click the dialpad button and then try to enter my password... for some strange reason after i get the first two numbers entered the screen shuts off and then i have to hit the power button to turn it back on and by that time it messes up my password entry. This has happened everytime I check my voicemail so I'm not sure what's going on... I think it has to do with the screen turning itself off when you hold the phone a certain way (up to your ear). Has anyone else experienced this issue or have a fix for the problem?

So far I've just tried to enter my password super fast before it shuts the screen off, but it usually shuts off before I get it entered and I have to try it several times in a row. Very frustrating.
I had the same issue. it its caused by the proximity sensor on the top right side. I have gotten into the habit of "sneaking" up from the bottom with one finger LOL. I guess I've just became used to it but it took me a couple weeks of frustration first

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I just tested this a few times and couldn't get it to happen. I have a screen protector that covers the sensor on the front, wonder if that affects anything.
It only happens for me when I have a call in progress. maybe your sensor isn't as sensitive due to the protector? mine is cut to not cover.

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I was having issues with the verizon visual voicemail app also. ... I installed Google voice light. and this should be a just as good (or better) solution. I haven't had any voicemails yet, so havent really tested it out. but from what i read its a good solution.

question: I was paying for Visual VOicemail with Verizon. Do I need to call Verizon to cancel service, or will they know i am not using it? (I wasn't able to use it since i got my Nexus)
I also have this issue and also sneak in from the bottom to hurry and get the code punched in.
If you program you VM dial to pause then dial your password and pound then you do not have to worry about this issue.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I'm so glad that this isn't just happening to me... I thought I was losing my mind! LOL
Could you guys describe in detail what you mean by sneaking up from the bottom... I'm not even sure where the proximity sensor is, but I'm guessing that's it. Sometimes I get lucky and I can enter the password, but usually not. Terribly frustrating!
If you program you VM dial to pause then dial your password and pound then you do not have to worry about this issue.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Could you tell me how to do this? Sounds like a great fix!
Simply put, make a fist and extend only one finger stretching from the bottom of phone towards the top. oh, the strange things we must do LOL.

setting up voicemail to auto input password its handy but I like having control of peeps listening to my messages if I misplaced my phone.

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That is what the screen lock is for! :)

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I'm so glad that this isn't just happening to me... I thought I was losing my mind! LOL
Could you guys describe in detail what you mean by sneaking up from the bottom... I'm not even sure where the proximity sensor is, but I'm guessing that's it. Sometimes I get lucky and I can enter the password, but usually not. Terribly frustrating!
Could you tell me how to do this? Sounds like a great fix!

From within the phone app go to call settings, then voicemail settings (settings for my carrier), then press on voicemail number.

put the cursor after the *86 then on the keypad below press the *# key you will then see pause in the middle of the keypad . Press pause twice(I use 2 pauses to give it time to connect) then press the 123 key and it will take you back to the regular keypad and key in your password , press the *# key again to go back to the other keypad and enter a #. Then back out to save it.

This will edit your voicemail # so now when you get a voicemail and you press on it, it will dial, pause and enter your password and pound.
From within the phone app go to call settings, then voicemail settings (settings for my carrier), then press on voicemail number.

put the cursor after the *86 then on the keypad below press the *# key you will then see pause in the middle of the keypad . Press pause twice(I use 2 pauses to give it time to connect) then press the 123 key and it will take you back to the regular keypad and key in your password , press the *# key again to go back to the other keypad and enter a #. Then back out to save it.

This will edit your voicemail # so now when you get a voicemail and you press on it, it will dial, pause and enter your password and pound.

Thanks so much for this solution. It worked for me. :biggrin:

I had the same problem with the replacement phone that Verizon sent to me. The original phone started to have this problem after about 3 months of usage. Verizon's solution to this problem was to perform a factory reset. I am surprised that more users have not encountered this problem.

Thanks again!