problem with apps launching on their own 2.2


New Member
Aug 22, 2010
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So after I updated to 2.2 a few of my apps automaticaly launch, and I have to use Advanced Task Killer every 10 minutes or so to kill them otherwise it drains my battery. I have an antivirus on my phone and it says I'm clean so I'm assuming it's not a virus. Anyone know what might be causing this?

Here's a list of most of the apps,
Handcent SMS
News and Weather
Calendar Pad
The Weather Channel
Skype mobile
Wireless On-Off Widget
City Caller ID

There's usualy more but this is all thats running right now. Any help would be appreciated.
So after I updated to 2.2 a few of my apps automaticaly launch, and I have to use Advanced Task Killer every 10 minutes or so to kill them otherwise it drains my battery. I have an antivirus on my phone and it says I'm clean so I'm assuming it's not a virus. Anyone know what might be causing this?

Here's a list of most of the apps,
Handcent SMS
News and Weather
Calendar Pad
The Weather Channel
Skype mobile
Wireless On-Off Widget
City Caller ID

There's usualy more but this is all thats running right now. Any help would be appreciated.
These apps are just in the memory. the task killer is unnecessary. All your doing is removing it from memory....they arnt really running. (its so they can be accessed quicker) My suggestion is removing the task killer. And is your battery draining? is that why you think theirs a problem? if it is i can suggest where to look for the source.
Yeah I used to be able to keep my phone on for a couple days before charging it, now it needs to be charged every night or it's dead in the morning. The reason I figured it was the apps running in the memory is because it never did that before the 2.2 update, so I'm not really sure whats going on.

after the update i only get about 6 hours before needing a charge regardless if i use the phone or not. what gives?
after the update i only get about 6 hours before needing a charge regardless if i use the phone or not. what gives?

Your battery performance is not normal. There are dozens, and I mean dozens, of threads that offer ways to enhance your battery performance. Do a search and read a whole bunch of posts. Even a heavily used phone should go all day.

Some things to check (and this is just from memory and it's from a guy that can't remember what he had for breakfast, so take it with a grain of salt):

Make sure there are no widgets/apps running that use GPS.

Set you screen display to as low a setting as you can stand.

All apps that have a timed function (such as email app checking pop3 account) is set to as long a time period as you can stand. (email, weather, news, etc.)

That's all I can think of right now, but there are lots and lots more in the threads I referenced above. If you can't make it improve dramatically, contact Verizon - may be a warranty issue (phone or battery).

Good luck.
Thats exactly what my Moto Droid is doing. I could go all day using it heavily and still have 30% by the end of the night. After i installed the 2.2 update my battery has been extremly hot nonstop. I also have the ATK and use mine everytime i turn the fone on and rite before the screen goes to sleep. Almost everytime i bring up ATK Ill get Voice Search, Handcent, Callfilter, antivirus, The Weather Channel, Gmail, Email, Visual VM, Amazon MP3, etc etc. Only problem is that i will only use Handcent and all of these things will be brought up. I had full charge used my phone for 4 text messages then looked up a phone number on Maps for a business and my battery was already down to 30%. I dont know what to do and its driving me crazy. All the tech at Verizon keeps saying is that "I need Advanced Task Killler" and "I dont know what to tell ya".

thanks for the input. i have been paying attention more to "what is using your battery" option on the phone and it seems the email client is using 63% where as gmail is using about 5% why is that? wouldnt they basicly be the same thing? i curbed the refresh rate on the generic client to every hour but that was this morning so i dont know how this will effect the battery life i guess time will tell. im trolling the forums now for suggestions. thanks again.