Problem with security when purchasing through app store.

You might find it easier to get ahold of someone at google and not the android market place.
So far attempts to contact a human being at the android market have been unsuccessful. We might end up chalking this up to a one time situation, and will make sure to use disposable card means if we make any additional purchases from the market.

You should be contacting Google Checkout, that is who you gave your credit card info to.
So far attempts to contact a human being at the android market have been unsuccessful. We might end up chalking this up to a one time situation, and will make sure to use disposable card means if we make any additional purchases from the market.

You should be contacting Google Checkout, that is who you gave your credit card info to.

I'm going to try again on Monday to start contacting people again.

As for the disposable card - it's a one use credit card that is generated by paypal for use in online transactions.
I know this is a bit late, but I'm wondering if you ever had any resolution on your problem. I've only bought one app with the Droid (last week) and my credit card info was stolen within the hour. Luckily, my CC company caught the fraud and we cancelled the card immediately. A real pain, but at least we're not out. I foolishly thought this thing was secure. Not sure who to contact. Google? Verizon? The app maker?
Scary thought. Just made me check my account :)

All good still... Whew!

Are you using 'Better Keyboard' App by any chance? It does warn you that keystrokes can be recorded while using the app.... just a thought.

That warning pops up when you switch to ANY keyboard other than the default.. even the default HTC keyboard when on my droid shows that warning.
I know this is a bit late, but I'm wondering if you ever had any resolution on your problem. I've only bought one app with the Droid (last week) and my credit card info was stolen within the hour. Luckily, my CC company caught the fraud and we cancelled the card immediately. A real pain, but at least we're not out. I foolishly thought this thing was secure. Not sure who to contact. Google? Verizon? The app maker?

We gave up on attempts to contact anyone, and are going to use a disposable credit card for future purchases, if we make them. Clearly - this is a problem, however... I was never able to get in touch with anyone.
We gave up on attempts to contact anyone, and are going to use a disposable credit card for future purchases, if we make them. Clearly - this is a problem, however... I was never able to get in touch with anyone.

Thanks Mona. I was afraid of that. Spent several hours trying to find some online way of reporting the incident, but to no avail. Disappointing to be sure. Disposable credit card... sounds like a plan.

For those with the compromised credit cards, how did you set up your google checkout accounts? It's possible that your PC is infected with spyware or a trojan that is stealing your account details.
For those with the compromised credit cards, how did you set up your google checkout accounts? It's possible that your PC is infected with spyware or a trojan that is stealing your account details.

I setup my account with the Droid. Apparantly, its not very secure.
For those with the compromised credit cards, how did you set up your google checkout accounts? It's possible that your PC is infected with spyware or a trojan that is stealing your account details.

I setup my account with the Droid. Apparantly, its not very secure.

How can you say that when you can't pin point where the breech happened.
How can you say that when you can't pin point where the breech happened.

It definitely happened when I bought an app using the Droid. The entire transaction took place using the Droid.

I suppose it could be Google checkout, the vendor or something else in between, but the bottom line is that buying apps over the Droid isn't secure.

It would be helpful if I could contact Google for help, but they don't provide any means (that I can find) to do that.
Credit Card Issues

Every time I buy something from the Market, my credit card company calls me (I have ID Theft Protection for all my cards) - they ask if I bought something, verify, etc.

I think that it's something intrinsic to the market, i.e., there's fraud going on somewhere in the loop and a good card issuer (I have Citibank) will monitor the activity.

Google really needs to clean this up - when you combine this with the pathetic organization of the market it's a much less satisfactory experience than, say the Apple store.