Problems with 3G data? Don't hard reset, read this first!

I thought they had this worked out because I have had no data issues in days now. No matter where I go I either have 4g or 3g. I'm certain that if some area's have it fixed and some dont I'm sure it won't be long till its fixed.
I thought they had this worked out because I have had no data issues in days now. No matter where I go I either have 4g or 3g. I'm certain that if some area's have it fixed and some dont I'm sure it won't be long till its fixed.

so you set your phne back to the factory setting instead of Rev A
Do your self a favor and hard reset. Takes like 15min and u are back up and running

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
After two long weeks and countless hours with VZW tech support... THANK YOU!!

I was on day 15 of my contract and the network bureau said my problems were not normal and recommended a new phone. Went to VZW store, new phone no questions asked (new, not a refurb), and now everything is working great.

Don't give up on it if your TB has issues with signal handoffs- it really could be the device. Yes, 4g still drops now and then for me, but the network handoffs are much cleaner (and I can keep the device in ehprd mode rather than the old rev.A)

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums
So far it seems fine with the New T-Bolt

My previous T-bolt handset could have been defective, do not know, it was too much of a hassle with VZN store in Fort Worth, TX area.

However, this week I am out of state, & this area has only 3G cov. I've got a new cell TB few days ago, & it is doing just fine. In fact I have noticed I can talk & data at the same time on 3G, & that I never was able to have before in this area.

Also, this afternoon I picked up 4G signal few times, & then it went back to 3G. It could be that VZN has been testing out this area, as this area is not an official 4G area yet.
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Ok Thought was a victim finally of the 1X only, 3G dropping....came to work today, always have 3G in building, 5 guys sitting around me, all 3G, me 1X suffering, so I do the toggle mobile network button, still 1X, then I did the ##778# password 000000, edit modem, Rev A to enable, still 1 X, so hell with it, pulled battery, 1X still, brokedown call Verizon, I do Blackberry support for living so was not wanting to make that call, but I did, I knew it....factory reset, still 1 X, then she says, when you walk outside building, tell me how does...your kidding right, I next to a window on 2nd floor...Ok I'll go outside, soon as I walk out door, 3 G, so I walk a mile outside..3G, so I do the ##778# and come in building...been 3 G for hours.....I never should have done that factory reset, hassle setting everything up, but I learn...there answer was the thunderbolt cause is a 4 G phone may have issues when it looks for 4G and there is none in area and defaults indoor to 1X...oh well hope this helps someone, just cause everyone else around has 3 G does not mean I was getting, I am now.
So I noticed today I was only getting 1x, did everything to change Rev. A to enable and now 4G is back to working. My question is when will we know when we can change this back to eHRPD? Just try changing it back every couple days and seeing if it works again? First post and first android phone so sorry for these newbie questions!
Only thing I can say is I'm leaving mine on that erpd setting cause if I am getting 3g at work then 1x I know my building, cause verizon told me they think even though guys around me have 3g and I have 1x the TB has issues in buildings sometimes and they were right, I walked out door 3g, stepped back in 1x, so when outside had 3g I did the enable rev A and when went in building 3g held so long as not in building 3g all time guess when gingerbread comes out may fix this

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums
Thank you!

Thank you so much for the ##778# fix. It didn't work until I disabled WiFi. Now it is working fine!

I work at home so wifi is always available to me. I really didn't notice that 3G wasn't working until I needed to look up an address while sitting at a restaurant. So, I went to the Verizon store and they guy was clueless and told me to call Verizon tech help. Well, I did and the level 2 tech wanted me to do a hard reset and I was scared. I have over 364 contacts and a bunch of appointments in the calendar. (Which by the way the calendar in Android won't sync with the Google calendar. I have been working on this issue all day.)

If it helps anyone reading this I am in ABQ, NM, so the problem is everywhere.
I did this and it switched back to 3G, and also can surf and talk.

Is 4G supposed to work if u call ##78...and edit the option.

Also, another problem I'm having is that sometimes I just lose internet overall. Where it's supposed to say 1X, 3G or 4G there's nothing there so when I go online it doesn't work. And after a while it comes back. When I put airplane mode on and then off it fixes it but temporarily only. wtf it's pissing me off. And even GPS has been messed up.

I don't wanna return the phone cause it's hacked and customized the way I like it.
BTW does this thing fix GPS as well?

What exactly does switching to enabled do?
This change only effects what version of 3G that you are using. The TB has a newer version of 3G that is supposed to switch to 4G quicker. Unfortunately they are having issues with this never version. By performing this change you don't lose 4G ability as I can confirm going through many 4G areas last week on a road trip from northern Wisconsin back to Mississippi and didn't have any issues.

Sent from my Thunderbolt