Ok Thought was a victim finally of the 1X only, 3G dropping....came to work today, always have 3G in building, 5 guys sitting around me, all 3G, me 1X suffering, so I do the toggle mobile network button, still 1X, then I did the ##778# password 000000, edit modem, Rev A to enable, still 1 X, so hell with it, pulled battery, 1X still, brokedown call Verizon, I do Blackberry support for living so was not wanting to make that call, but I did, I knew it....factory reset, still 1 X, then she says, when you walk outside building, tell me how does...your kidding right, I next to a window on 2nd floor...Ok I'll go outside, soon as I walk out door, 3 G, so I walk a mile outside..3G, so I do the ##778# and come in building...been 3 G for hours.....I never should have done that factory reset, hassle setting everything up, but I learn...there answer was the thunderbolt cause is a 4 G phone may have issues when it looks for 4G and there is none in area and defaults indoor to 1X...oh well hope this helps someone, just cause everyone else around has 3 G does not mean I was getting, I am now.