Where are you seeing the OTA versions of 2.2 for the DX? I know a couple people personally that own DX's and have not received it, and I have not as well..... If you're seeing it happen, you're lucky.
The only issue I had when I updated the 2.2leak was my GPS was not working, and couldn't locate me. I just did an easy battery pull, and let it sit for a minute, put it back in and the problem was fixed, and it's much faster. IDK why pulling the battery made it faster, but it did. I thought my 2.2 was hauling ass, but once I pulled the bat, **** sped up like a beast.
The only thing I'm worried about is when the OTA starts rolling through, do I need to removed the 2.2 and roll out 2.1? Will the OTA work with the DX on 2.2 leak? That's all I care about, because of what MOTO did with pulling the leak. IDK...I just want it all smooth. lol