Punctuation such as "Quotes" problem?


Nov 18, 2010
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Current Phone Model
Galaxy S5
I imagine this has been discussed on the forums already, but a search came up with nothing...

When I am sending a text or e-mail and I use certain punctuation (such as putting a word in quotations) when I choose the "quotes" symbol from the symbols dialogue, it automatically backspaces and inserts the quotation mark against the last letter of the previous word. (if that makes sense) - So if I was going to type Henry said "Okay, sounds good" it would type as Henry said" Okay sounds good" which then requires moving the cursor and adding a space. Any idea why this happens? Is there a fix for it? Thanks very much!

Ah okay... thanks Spaz... it's not a "dealbreaker" but just a nuisance. Nice to know that they are at least aware of it and it's not a "user error" as is the case with a lot of the problems I have with these things! Thanks again.
For sure. Its really annoying I know. Hopefully it will get fixed eventually. The only real problem is that it treats most punctuation by the same rules, regardless of whether that applies to that piece of puntuation. As you may notice it doesn't affect parentheses so why does it have to affect qoutes? Oh well, I guess its a waiting game.

tappin and a talkin