Question: If the "leaked" patches fix all the major issues with the Bionic...

Unfortunate for you, but I have updated, non rooted and camera is much better, little to no data issue. Loving it so far.

Sidenote, been unsuccessful in rooting my bionic. Any proven methods yet?

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Is the over all picture quality better? Like better colors, less blurring. Etc

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I have been lucky with my Bionic and my OG DROID but i also depend on my phone to much to risk putting the "leaked" updates on. I do get drops, usually worse after major changes, like getting off a plane in a new area. Have flown 6 or so times since getting the phone. Cycling 3g/4g helped.

That said, I vaguely remember when i got my first Moto DROID that i got an invite to be a beta tester for updates. I also remember so many people said yes at the time that they had to stop accepting people. I wonder (would hope so) that they still do something like this because like previous posters have mentioned, reliance on these types of forums is flawed because people only mention the problem and not detailed info on what was happening when it happened like I find that my data drops happen most after actually using my phone AS a phone.

They (moto and verizon) do want to please the customer but do things that do just the opposite all the time. Both need to get together on expectations of an OTA before making any statements that contradict. And V needs to stop making bold (by 11-12 or now end of November) statements with unless the are willing to stand behind them. At least moto is better by giving a huge window to cover their own butt. Yeah it is upsetting but not as bad as seeing a deadline pass and a new one thrown up.

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