I personally have added my BB smart phones to my wifes wedding ring personal articles policy. It only cost me about 3 bucks a month, and then i am for sure getting a new phone, not of the Refurb crap that they some times send out. With state farm, i have no deductible on the phone. (note phone has to have a retail value of $500 or more to add it to my policy. )
Please note i updated my original post. the insurance is not under my home owners but under my wife wedding ring insurance called a personal articles policy threw state farm. I cover her ring cause well stuff happens and i don't want to be out the money that I paid for the ring. My state farm agent confirmed to me today that my Storm (the phone i have now) is on the policy, that their is no deductible on the phone if anything was to happen to it.
Sorry for the mix up on the correct type of insurance policy.
Guaranteed that PAF policy doesn't cover breakage/software and hard ware issues/water or spills.