[Question] Who Should Make the Next Nexus?

Personally as far as I am concerned I am buying a Nexus, not whatever the manufacturer is. If they (Google) holds true to their standards then whoever makes it will produce a great device. I own the G-Nex and I have never once referred to it as my Samsung, to me it is a Nexus, end of story.

I agree. It could be made by Wham-O Toys and I'd still buy it just because its a Nexus. Haha

I agree. It could be made by Wham-O Toys and I'd still buy it just because its a Nexus. Haha


That would be quite shocking lol.

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I think people really underestimate the Taiwanese...aka HTC, just look at the first nexus for proof of how well they make phones. The partner with beats also makes marketing the next NEXUS even easier IMO.
I think people really underestimate the Taiwanese...aka HTC, just look at the first nexus for proof of how well they make phones. The partner with beats also makes marketing the next NEXUS even easier IMO.

Maybe if they'd stop using lagdragon processors.