Rarely do you see a phone that's made with the opposite sex in mind, but that's exactly what HTC did with this new device. The HTC Rhyme is one of HTC's newer model 3G devices for Verizon. The phone has specs aimed at the mid-range user, accessories aimed at the opposite sex, and Verizon's huge network aimed at the phone signal lovers (rarely drops calls).
For this review I had a friend, that's a woman, take this device out for a spin. I did not see myself using the included notification charm, even though I do love giving you guys great reviews, but I had her help me on this one.
Thanks for the help, Olivia.

The Rhyme with its; 1 Ghz processor, 5 MP camera, and 3G support is certainly not a device to be overlooked. The hardware on the device is not the only awesome part about it, the software HTC designed around it is actually quite amazing. The new phone has a custom version of HTC's Sense 3.X that's incredible light, fast, and smooth. Opening apps is quite smooth, browsing the web is an experience you will not hate , and trust me, you will love the quality of the camera.
The phone's design, is actually pretty nice. The phone has a 3.7 inch screen, purple case, front/back camera, and the included purple charm. All of these things end up giving the user a truly unique phone that will certainly have others asking about what the device.
Here's the breakdown:
- Easy to hold
- Great camera quality
- Decent screen size
- "Cute color"
- Good price
- Notification accessory useless (too long)
- Not too fast
- No hard camera button
7/10: Speed and Multitasking
10/10: Camera Quality
7/10: Browsing Experience
7/10: Music Playback
10/10: Network
8/10: Pricing
8/10: Overall Rating

Would I buy it?
My friend said she would definitely buy it. She believes this is a great device, nice to carry around and all her friends asked about it.
Recommend it?
Yes; if you're in the target market for this device, it's easy to carry around, looks unique, has a pretty awesome camera and fits in your hand. For it's intended user, this has to be the first stop on your search.