Well I'm late to the game, but this just started happening to me in the last day. Last night my phone was down to about 20%, so I plugged it into it's usual spot, the USB port on my laptop. When I checked it this morning, it hadn't charged at all!
I thought that was weird, but assumed that maybe I didn't have the plug all the way in so I re-plugged both ends and tried again. A few hours later, I noticed again that it hadn't charged at all. I tried using a different cable. No luck. I tried a different USB port, again no luck.
This was about the time I checked the battery usage stats and found RILD had used 39%. I was also noticing that the phone was getting unusually hot. Not burn-yourself hot, but much hotter than it usually gets.
I then tried using the same cable, plugged into an A/C outlet (with the A/C adaptor). Now it seems to be charging (from 20% to 50% in about an hour) and it's no longer hot.
By the way, I did try powering off/rebooting a couple of times with no affect. I searched these forums and found a number of threads, but none that seem to have a resolution. I'm in an area that has only 3g and a mediocre signal and I keep WiFi turned off most of the time unless I need it for something.
Please let me know if anyone's found a resolution or give me a link to whatever other thread describes one.