Same thing happened to me yesterday. Battery lost 10% in like 15 minutes on 3g and it was due to the Motorola music app downloading 250+ MBs of data. Had to force stop several times before it quit.
Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
Not sure if this helps, but I work on a computer all day with internet access. So I pretty much turn everything off, Bluetooth, Wifi, 4G (stay on 3G only), and background data. So basically I can do only text and phone it seems. I'm hesitant to turn off Cell Data because I'm not sure if I can get texts and calls as quick... If I can, then what is the purpose of leaving Cell Data on?
Can't you open the music app and go into the settings and tell it to stop pulling album info and song lyrics from the net? Won't that solve the problem?
Yeah that is weird, I have it all turned off myself except the lyrics as well. I listened to a few songs last night before bed and my media server isn't even listed as using my battery at all anymore. Something else has to be making it kick back on, there is a program on the market called Autostarts that tells you what actions causes other things to be triggered. You can download that and just see what is causing media server to come on but you can't disable anything without be Rooted.
I joined just to say that I had the same problems as described. Yesterday it downloaded around 300mb on WiFi after doing about 80 on 4G. I installed RadioOpt Traffic Monitor from the market and did some troubleshooting:
With the Music widget on, it seems as soon as I play a song over MotoCast after turning the phone on, it'll start downloading several MB's. The settings for "Live Music Information" in the app don't seem to reliably affect this.
The only solution I've found that has worked since yesterday is to disable the Music widget and not play any songs in the app. I have not had a single MB downloaded since around 6pm last night since making this change.
I assume this will be fixed via an update if it's already been brought to Motorola's attention.