Straw-man much? It is an issue, why are we talking about it if it wasn't?
I think is might be a mistake for Android, but then again the iPhone is quite suscessful without both of these so maybe they will go away in the future.
Point well taken. I guess my point was that even though it is being discussed, it seems that it is being accepted as being ok. I seem to remember that the overwhelming opinion in regards to the Iphone was that it was not a good thing. But again as I said previously I could be wrong.
And as for the future, I agree with you. I would think there would be fewer issues with a closed system at least in the eyes of the manufacturers. Depending on how they implement it, it might also be a cost saver.
I for one hope this doesn't come about because I love having the choice.
I am VERY underwhelmed with BOTH of these phones. I have the original Droid and I am due for an upgrade. My friend got the bionic and I played around with it. I think the screen leaves something to be desired. I think my original Droid has a better, more clearer screen than the Bionic. The Bionic almost looks dingy or cheap. I was looking forward to the Bionic for months. And then when I heard the Razr came out and with a better screen I thought it would be a great find. But now I hear about an unremovable battery and storage and I am not pleased. I guess I can get over the storage as I haven't tapped into the storage on my Original Droid. But I was hoping to take the apps with me to the new phone I got. Ok. I can download them again. A pain....but not a deal breaker. But the battery thing - that REALLY concerns me. I can't even begin how many times I've had to remove the battery on every phone I've owned to get it "unstuck" for whatever reason. This worries me. And with all these phones having a history of crappy battery life, what if this one has a crappy one too? You can't get an extended.
RAZR has a removable micro SD card and there will be a button combination to press to reset the phone if it freezes, something like volume up + power.
Is it the same micro SD card that goes in the original Droid?
microSD is microSD... the OG Droid came with a 16GB class 2 microSD card, I do believe that the Razr will probably have the same one, just like the Bionic did.
If I had to chose between the Razr or Bionic, if the screen is the same, then I would go with the Bionic, cause of the battery, I had batteries die on me over the years I owed cellphones. If the Screen was better than the Bionics, then the Razr, because I was not a fan of the grainy pixels on the Bionic, the Bionic's screen was my sole reason I returned mine :-(
microSD is microSD... the OG Droid came with a 16GB class 2 microSD card, I do believe that the Razr will probably have the same one, just like the Bionic did....(