Well, I have a problem. I took advantage of the buy one Droid and get the second Droid for free deal with Verizon. The two phones arrived as scheduled last Tuesday, the 2nd of March.
I set up my Droid right away, I'm learning how to use it fine, call quality is good most of the time, though I've had two people tell me that my voice quality isn't so good, others I've talked to within an hour or so say it's fine.
Moving on to Droid number two, the one I bought for my wife who didn't really want to switch phones, but was willing to go along. I set this one up myself, just like the first one, a little problem with the set up over the phone, rectified by a "real person" tech support I suppose who had to override the stoppage, don't know what that was about.
However, the signal quality is not just bad, it's unintelligible. It's as if the internal antenna has a cold solder joint or was simply left out. That can't be the case though, signal strength is from 2 to 4 bars, so it's something else.
I'm taking this brand new phone into the local Verizon store for exchange, I just think it's a bad unit.