real instructions to root droid 2 global?


New Member
Sep 23, 2012
Reaction score
Greenfield, Indiana
Ok so my OG Droid died due to a bad charge port and my friend gave me a Droid 2 Global with the 4.5.629.A956.Verizon.en.US. there are so many things on the net about rooting this phone that I don't know which one to do. I burnt a cd that is suppose to be for this cell and it was like 213 meg's I believe. But I am afraid to screw this cell up since I don't know which instructions to follow. Can anyone please tell me which is the correct way to root this cell please. I can't afford to brick this cell just because there are way to many people with to many different way that are supposed to work. Had it not been for my friend I wouldn't even have a phone now. Thank you in advance for your help!
So do you think I should just leave it alone? Last thing I need is to screw this one up. Doing the OG was so damn easy, I figured this one would be as well, so much for that... And thanks for your reply!
I repeat.

It's near impossible to brick the DROID2 GLOBAL, because there's always RSDLite.

The link I provided helps root it.
Ok so i got this cell to root, i guess, now every ROM i have tried to install gives me these 2 errors.
1: E: failed to verify whole-file signature.
2: E: signature verification failed.
I have tried 5 different ROMs and its always the same damn thing, any ideas on what I have screwed up please? I hate this cell, I wish my OG wouldn't have died on me.. Thanks in advance! And I am sorry if my questions are annoying, I really tried to do it without help, but I guess I am just to damn dumb to figure anything out anymore. That and my disease is starting to mess with my brain, I use to be able to do things like this before I got Lupus.
You're trying to install custom ROMs via the stock recovery.

You cannot. You need to install Droid 2 Recovery Bootstrap and use that app to install AND to enter recovery.

As D2G's bootloader is locked we cannot replace the stock recovery. The only way to get a custom recovery working is to launch it via a boot-time hook which is exactly what D2 Bootstrap does.
Thanks so much! Another good member, just as you are, responded to my other thread. So I have it going now! But I really thank you for taking the time to reply!