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Really crAPPLE??? REALLY? This is just desperate.......

He has another article which references the same incorrect info...

I emailed him even before he wrote this current article telling him that the CNN article was incorrect (and now have a correction) and the people who did the survey actually came out with an article showing the truth. Also I included links yet he still posts the false information.

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So I think people should keep on emailing him :icon_evil:
You guys are just as bad if not worse than these apple fanboys. This forum has become completely overrun by anti-apple threads. If apple really was that bad I highly doubt you all would react so passionately about every little freakin article ever written that says one thing bad about android. Was this article clearly pro-apple, absolutely. Was it ridiculous, sure! Why let it bother you so much you feel the need to write a guy who you will NEVER change the opinion of. Don't you have better things to waste hate on? I think a true android fan (a true anything fan) knows what they have and doesn't need to spread around all this crap. Sure it's fun every once to watch a video from funnyordie.com slamming the new antenna issues on the iphone4 but now it's like every other thread someone is bashing apple, which by the way this was coming from a journalist, not from apple. Like I said we android users look just as bad as apple fanboys when we respond to a stupid article like this one.
To whom ever provided the website email link I thank you! I have already emailed them to let them know what I think about this crap and I also suggest we keep doing the same! There are enough of us on this website alone to overwhelm their server and inboxes and I am tired of being told by ignorant people that I should just accept the fact that I should submit to the almighty S. Jobs!

My Droid smokes 3G and 4G iphones that my friends have at work routinely! 1 of them actually came up to me the other day and said watch this and proceeded to open an app that would dictate his voice into a message so he could talk or text by just typing, acting impressed I said wow that must have been expensive, he said nah only 5 bucks and I said only 5 bucks cool but I don't think Android will ever get such an app and he said why's that? So I pulled out my phone opened my messaging app selected his contact and hit the microphone. Then I clearly spoke "you are a complete tool and paid 5 bucks for something I have had for free for months now" hit send and walked away laughing.

Oh and to the previous poster who talked about the commercial where the guys actually look up the weather on his phone, called the tower and got a takeoff clearance... what garbage. I'm an Air Traffic Controller and our phone number to the control floor is not publicly available. And there is no way in hell I'm going to let a passeneger make the go no go call when there are many lives at stake, its just not happening.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
You guys are just as bad if not worse than these apple fanboys. This forum has become completely overrun by anti-apple threads. If apple really was that bad I highly doubt you all would react so passionately about every little freakin article ever written that says one thing bad about android. Was this article clearly pro-apple, absolutely. Was it ridiculous, sure! Why let it bother you so much you feel the need to write a guy who you will NEVER change the opinion of. Don't you have better things to waste hate on? I think a true android fan (a true anything fan) knows what they have and doesn't need to spread around all this crap. Sure it's fun every once to watch a video from funnyordie.com slamming the new antenna issues on the iphone4 but now it's like every other thread someone is bashing apple, which by the way this was coming from a journalist, not from apple. Like I said we android users look just as bad as apple fanboys when we respond to a stupid article like this one.

Its not about bashing Apple man, its about incorrect information being posted publicly and consistently. Most people do tend to believe what they read unfortunately and while yes this article was published by a website not Apple, it and its author are not even trying to be objective. They even take it further by making the GIANT leap that based on this missinformation Android is a sinking ship and VZW knows it???? This is purely fictional and border line libel aimed squarely at Google. I posted this here so that we as a community who are passionate about our hobby would have a chance to retort and engage the website / author to voice our discontent. People around here get angry I think because we get tired of having people bash something we enjoy in attempt to prop up an inferioir (my opinoin) product. Alright I'm off my soap box!

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
They post these article because Apple pays them to "assure" the kids that their iphone is awesome and they shouldn't switch to Android. The numbers are all over the internet. Android phones are destroying iphone sales. Apple was cocky and underestimated the Android platform from the beginning so they scrambled for a backup plan.
That plan: Articles such as this. They know it, we know it, Verizon knows it and Apple knows everyone knows it. Let them dig themselves their own grave. I can't wait to see how much more childish they get.

I have to agree....desperate propaganda. Sales of the Droid X are a clear indicator that the survey question being discussed is either being misinterpreted or was a bad question (yielding bad data).

Still a bit early for Droid 1 users to be upgrading to the X, but in the coming months look for VZW to crush this propaganda with overwhelming upgrade numbers in Q4 into Q1'11, especially with Gingerbread and LTE coming.

But the obvious this propaganda is missing (not that it matters, the goal is to calm the fanboys, and it's a low hurdle) is by now, even if most of those X buyers are new to Android, most have probably seen someone's Droid in action and clearly were undeterred from buying it, especially considering rumors they could wait 6 months for the IPhone on VZW.

I'm on non-tech boards with non-fanboys, and I've yet to hear anyone complain about their Droid. Most seem to love it. Most recognize it as equivalent, if not superior, to the IPhone.

All that said, if Android users start leaving VZW in droves then that's just more bandwidth for the rest of us!
hahaha! this made my night. i'd like to see the numbers they used for that article. 90% of my family is using android based phones (mainly the motodroids) and none regret it
Maybe the real motivation for these articles is the fanboys - desperate to get VZW's superior service - see Android growing to crush the hope of ever getting an IPhone on VZW and so hope to reverse the momentum with this BS.

Apple needs VZW a lot more than VZW needs Apple now that there's a lot of real competition to the IPhone (with BETTER specs in most cases). VZW is sitting here wondering how to expand capacity to keep up with demand for the smartphones it has - absolutely no incentive to put-up with Job's BS.

LOL, then again, maybe when LTE starts rolling out the IPhone will help VZW get some extra mileage out of its obsolete 3G network - hmmmm...LTE phones supposedly coming in Q1, IPhone rumored to be coming in Q1.
You guys are just as bad if not worse than these apple fanboys. This forum has become completely overrun by anti-apple threads. If apple really was that bad I highly doubt you all would react so passionately about every little freakin article ever written that says one thing bad about android. Was this article clearly pro-apple, absolutely. Was it ridiculous, sure! Why let it bother you so much you feel the need to write a guy who you will NEVER change the opinion of. Don't you have better things to waste hate on? I think a true android fan (a true anything fan) knows what they have and doesn't need to spread around all this crap. Sure it's fun every once to watch a video from funnyordie.com slamming the new antenna issues on the iphone4 but now it's like every other thread someone is bashing apple, which by the way this was coming from a journalist, not from apple. Like I said we android users look just as bad as apple fanboys when we respond to a stupid article like this one.

I'd rather be vocal in my opinion than be a sheep mindlessly milling about. Only through well thought out responses can we continue to bring Android to the forefront of the mobile market. I don't agree with the "two fingers to the world, screw Steve Jobs" approach that some take, but if we didn't vocalize the inaccuracies & misinformation we'd be just as responsible for the spreading of said misinformation. We might as well have written it ourselves at that point.

Just remember, if it weren't for the vocal people pushing the envelope in the past, we'd still be under British rule and have some of the most despicable human acts still in our daily lives.
Posting flamebait crap like this ought to be against forum rules. It does NOTHING to further the android community. It reeks of fanboy in here.
formerly iprong? w t f.

Anyways, theres no credible sources in this article. Seems like the blogger was just upstaged by a android user while trying to show off his phones newly acquired ability to multi-task and use folders and had to vent somewhere.

and the comment about android being the fastest sinking tech platform ever? Reminds me of how kids point out their own insecurities in an effort to point out someone else's.
I love Android, but I don't consider my self a fanboi. Fanbois of all flavors annoy the heck out of me, but much joy can be had at trolling them. Here is my email. think I will get a response?

This article...

That Story Saying That Only 20% Of Android Owners Will Buy Another One -- It's Not True

Makes this article...

Four in 5 iPhone users will buy another one; 4 in 5 Android users bailing : Beatweek Magazine

FAILTACULAR!! It is so much fail it may even fail at failing (which is not a double negative)
I wonder why the comments have been disabled. Can't take your medicine? LOL
I wonder why the comments have been disabled. Can't take your medicine? LOL

If you really want to tweak him, you should have said "anyone wanting to consider themself a real journalist should invite open feedback and criticism...but then it's obvious from your article no one should mistake you for a real journalist"
Just called Verizon and told them if they got the iPhone they would be idiots. The person on the phone agreed and said they are killing it with thence"X". Just wait till the "2" comes out in a couple of weeks. That and there are about 100 based Android tablets hitting the market any day if not already. All proved at $250.00 or less, with features and benefits.

Sounds to me like Apple is freaking out. Did you all see the news today about the "jailbreaking" an iPhone. AT&T and Apple can't legally do anything about it anymore. FCC ruling states.

Droid does

It was NOT FCC...it was Library of Congress and it only pertained to Copywrite Laws.

Seems like anyone can write on any subject they like even if they don't understand what they write about these days. Aint the internet grand?
