Hmm. Well I sure have a tough time reading the subject line of an email, seeing who I missed a call from, or previewing a text message from that LED.We're not operating the phone from the lock screen. We are just getting a preview of what we've missed since we last used the device. If you want to SMS, email, or call someone, you still unlock the phone. But you shouldn't have to unlock the screen and pull down the shade just to see if you missed an important call, meeting, email, etc. A preview of those items is useful.
You dont have to unlock and pull down the shade, that is what the configurable LED is for..another of those Idont's. Oh look mine is blinking right now, its blinking blue so that means I've missed a text. You are gonna like this feature of your Droid and Im sure the functions you want will come in time, but I couldnt live without the LED since owning a Blackberry....every phone should have this.
I agree the LED is nice - definitely one of the things the iPhone should have had the day it was introduced. But we're talking about the ability to see previews of emails, missed calls, calendar events, etc. - going beyond the function of the LED.
Can you wear this out anymore?