really starting to regret purchase

Alright guys, sorry about no response.

To those of you who said I should have returned it when my charger broke, I Tried. They refused. They refused to even give me a new charger, 4 days after I bought it. I was LOLed
out of the store. See my story about someone else trying to return their Nexus too.

I was thinking of trying a restore tonight to see if that would help anything. My phone brightness is at about 30-40% right now. If I use my phone for more than an hour, Or take a phone call, It heats up Tremendously.

Anywho, I'm probably going to get a CLN replacement, and toss it on Ebay. The only real thing I've liked about Android, is the Widgets. and honestly, that isn't really enough to keep me liking a phone that even most of you have said, you've had nothing but problems with.
Not sure if your still watching this but here goes. I have had an android phone for years now and love it. I am a different user than someone with an iPhone. I have always been jealous of how debugged the iOS has been. It is a tried and true great thing. I like my android because I can change anything I want to about it but I like to hack and code and all the above. If I were getting a phone to be reliable and be a phone then iPhone is what I would get without a doubt. No argument in my book. That said. ICS is the first time android has been able to even COMPARE to the iOS. It will take a while to reduce issues. A good rule of thumb is dont buy the first of its kind anything. More often than not there are issues that suck really really bad.

Now something useful (kinda) for you to consider. With the amount of flexability android offers, I find it easy to get into trouble. For example, I could not send any message at all for a few days and i had no idea until my friends told me i wasnt texting them. I discovered that when I downloaded Handcent, I deleted the stock Message app and that for some stupid reason I had to have both otherwise otherwise Handcent didnt work correctly. So in summary I would like to say that it takes time to get used to the quarks of android. It is newer than the iOS and that does mean there will be bugs and unfortunate (or just down-right stupid) things that must be a certain way. These may get fixed in the future but for now I would try to get a refurbished phone. The screen alone is a huge RED FLAG that its not up to par.

Good luck and i hope that you get a replacement without any hassle.

I switched from an iphone 3gs and I've got to say that I agree with very little of this.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
And you could always try a Motorola phone! Samsung makes some fantastic electronics, but my bionic has converted me into a true moto believer! However, if apple comes out with a 5 inch screen on an iphone with ios 6 I just might consider switching back to apple again!
Actually... probably not... I'd rather wait for a 5 inch moto screen with android 5.0 :D

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Had the Bionic the first day it came out. I liked it but it just wasn't up to speed for me.
Reading about your problems has been useful and somewhat disappointing. Whenever I read that people have problems with customer service it reminds me that I haven't had such great luck either and goes toward making me a little more cautious. Hope you get this resolved. Too much money involved to be having this much trouble.
Technically you should be able to call up Verizon and say you were told you couldn't return the phone within your 14 day return period and that management intentionally lied to you and they may give you a new phone.

You have 14 days(actually 30 because you bought it during the holiday return policy) to return it no questions asked, it's their return policy and they lied to you and made you keep a phone you felt wasn't working properly.

I say call them and raise hell, if what you say is true, your local store straight up lied to you and you should be given a new phone since you tried to and were intentionally lied to, to prevent the return of your phone.

The problems you're having aren't normal just fyi.
Most everyone gets clnrs as replacements. I don't see why you'd think you're entitled to a better replacement than everyone else.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I don't understand how they can REFUSE to not give you a new phone. I returned my first Nexus the 3rd day due to having a bad battery. They told me it was because it was a 4G phone and I'm like, Trust me, I know 4G drains battery quicker, but 4-5hrs is rediculous. They still tried to tell me that's normal because the person had a Droid Charge and that's all he got as well, so I said I feel sorry for you, but that's not good at all, and demanded a new phone and got one. My phone has had no real problems since then(besides the ones I give it myself flashing ROMs and stuff). You can have NO problems with your phone and still be able to exchange it if you want to and even if they try and talk you out of it. You really should have talked to a higher up or a different store and got your new phone.
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Should've gone to another store or called customer service OP? They have no right to refuse you within the 14 days of their "no questions asked" time window. Should've tried another store or at least talked to a manager as you weren't treated right, despite the fact that the Nexus has known issues, but a broken charger isn't a well-known issue.
I'm under the impression that It's because my Contract just expired (I got the Nexus on a family members upgrade who sold it to me). But, before anyone asks, I can recieve them just fine. Just can't send them.

If you're not on their contract, this voided Verizons 14/30 day return policy. And only leaves Samsungs 1 year and your insurance (which they may not even offer to you).
I agree - if you were LOL'd out of the store you should have called customer service and they would have shipped you a replacement right away.

You can download OS Monitor to see if any application is hogging your phone. It will beep and tell you which app is misbehaving.

Remember they sell 850,000 Android Phones a day. There is nothing wrong with having one nor is it a bad operating system. I would never switch to an IPhone under any circumstances.

My GN has worked perfectly since I got it. I have it on 35% brightness. I can see the lines you are talking about but only when it turns to grey on the screen with no text.
tyr a factory reset. sounds like you have app(s) causing bugs. most of the allegedly "optimized for ICS" apps cause problems.

I agree. With almost every smartphone, a factory reset is something ppl should try before getting a new or different phone. On my Droid X1 something happened where my internet stopped working. A factory reset fixed it. Someone who had my phone was trying to use GPS when it went out.
I go by the following policy:
- If I go through my App List (settings - Applications - All) and see an App that I haven't used in 30 days (and that isn't the kind of app that you only use occasionally or randomly), I uninstall it because I know that if I ever need it again, it is simple to find the list of every app you have ever installed.

I also go through and clear the cache from all of my apps (and Data too if it doesn't negatively affect the program) a few times a week which probably amounts to over 200MB deleted weekly.

I use SMSBackup+ to back-up my Text Messages and Call Log about once a week, equivalent to around 750 to over 1000 SMS and 150-250+ Phone Calls, and then I clear everything (I do "lock" any important or sentimental text messages, as well as locking one message from every one of my "most texted" contacts so that they remain one click away for texting; thus, after clearing, I drop from the aforementioned 750-1000 texts down to ~10 total). This helps a lot, especially if you haven't cleared it in months.

I also restart my phone every 2-4 days so as to give my RAM a chance to "refresh" itself; prior to restarting today when I had an up-time of 244hrs (I have been lazy), my internal RAM usage was at 218MB Free - after restarting my phone and disabling the apps that always pop back up as enabled after a restart (Maps/Books/Videos/etc), and clearing unused apps from RAM, I have been sitting at ~450MB Free RAM.

Also, some apps will consume more and more RAM the longer your phone is on... If you can't restart your phone for whatever reason, simply force close the app from the app list (not the RUNNING app list, the one furthest to the right) and it will restart only that app, restoring the memory that you'd lost to the leak..
- Some apps I have noticed doing this are: SwiftKeyX (although it takes a few days), Android Pro Widgets, Browser, Launcher, Google Play Store, Media, etc... Just pay attention to what is using the most memory in your "running apps" section and see if they go up even when you aren't using them.

I hope this helps somewhat! Good luck!
Your problem is the amazon app store I had this problem on my droid 1 and once I took it off I had no other problems never again will I install the amazon app store it drags your machine down.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums