Hence the question I asked up there with the links... just going way overboard to make my point.
Hence the question I asked up there with the links... just going way overboard to make my point.
Verizon most likely wont add 3 phones(samsung, htc, moto) in one week. Vigors announcement is coming probably after samsungs. And have no idea why people say that motorolas built is the best. Radios yes. Everything else about their sucks. Its like comparing a ford to a bmw. Have a motorola droid 1. On/off button is stuck. Camera is a joke(same goes for Droid Bionic). Heavy peace of metal in your hand.
Ok, so after surfing these forums for quite some time I have determined that HTC is terrible, don't ever get one. Samsung is terrible, don't ever get one. Motorola is terrible, don't ever get one. LG is terrible, don't ever get one. The iphone is terrible so don't ever get one. Good luck! :icon_eek:
Ok, so after surfing these forums for quite some time I have determined that HTC is terrible, don't ever get one. Samsung is terrible, don't ever get one. Motorola is terrible, don't ever get one. LG is terrible, don't ever get one. The iphone is terrible so don't ever get one. Good luck! :icon_eek:
Which do you think would take the best picture:
Canon PowerShot SD450 Review - Watch CNET's Video Review
Amazon.com: Nikon D100 6MP Digital SLR Camera: Camera & Photo
Motorola Droid Bionic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Well from that bench not to worried about hardware.....now.
To me there is ALOT to like about this phone.
SCREEN....its going to be beautiful, and HUGE but yet still the same size as the bionic(besides height).
ICS.....Thats going to be fun to play with for a couple of months. Plus all of its dual core know how goodness!
TONS of dev support. With out this, this phone wouldnt go anywhere.
Unlocked from the get go. Bring on the power saving gov's and OC/UV kernels. I expect 2.0ghz stable out of this phone and 20 hour battery life!!!!
World wide release.....EVEN MORE dev support! :icon_ lala: PLUS if they get it first, we probably wont even see any bugs. they will be fixed as soon as we get it due to EU feedback.
Google updates! First to get them, guaranteed to get jelly bean! :hail:
Whats not to like?
Im thinking there is no love for the rezound on these forums...... just no love! NO LOVE!!!