When a phone comes out that really looks interesting I grab it for a month and then return it if it isn't better than what I'm carrying. I've had iPhone's since the first launch and been quite happy with them. The Incredible is the first phone that is really making me think about switching. I guess I'm just lucky but AT&T has gotten pretty good in all of the areas where I normally travel, so there isn't much difference for me there. As I had mentioned, AT&T has really stepped-up their service lately and my iPhone is quite a bit faster than the Incredible for most data service. The biggest drawback to the iPhone, as you mentioned, is the control that Apple feels they need to have. However, one could argue that the level of control makes the iPhone a more "fluid" experience. And that's the one area the iPhone truly shines as everything (from the buttons to easy to access email options) always just seem to "be there". Its the one thing that will probably keep me on the iPhone until Android gets to the same level - usability is a big deal to me. I like to play, but I also actually use my phone heavily for data-related activity and the iPhone apps in that area really shine.
I Agree 100% with you, I think I am going to keep my iPhone as well