I just returned from Costco with my third Galaxy Nexus. On the way home I stopped at a grocery store. As soon as I went inside my phone call dropped. I tried to call my friend about 10 times while in the store and it would start to call then drop it. I am sitting here at home and I can't go on the market to download my apps, it keeps saying no connection, retry. I love the phone, but if I am getting tired of this. I have read many threads about this, with many theories. What I know is the GNex's I have had are really bad for reception. My old OG Droid did not do this, in the same stores and the same house. The people at Costco said to try this new phone for a couple of weeks, and if I still have the same problems they will see what they can do about maybe getting a different phone. While I was in Costco I got them to compare my new GNex to a Razr. The Razr had a -73 dbm and a 4g connection. The Gnex had a weak 3g connection, with a -113 dbm. I think these numbers are correct, if not, they are close. I really don't want a different phone, such as a Razr or Rezound. But if this signal problem remains, I may have no choice. I could have kept my OG Droid and used the $300 for something else.