I've been having this same problem, and no one has been able to help. I read this thread.... admittedly, didn't understand most of it.... and changed the format setting on my computer to a smaller kb and it worked like a charm! My music started to load on the card and the phone stopped doing the reset.
Thus far it's been delaying a little bit - is that normal? Considering I have no technical skill, but I can change the kb number in the format window, is there a different number I can try for formating? I think I used 32kb.
You can use most any number you want
Probably only powers of 2 (32kb, 16kb, 8kb, 4kb, 2kb, etc) Try a few out and see which one you like best.
The limitation is that when you mount the card, you need to have enough available memory to contain the File Allocation Table (FAT) for the file system check (fsck).
The tradeoffs: If you pick a smaller cluster size, there will be more clusters, and a larger FAT as a result. If you pick a large cluster size, there will be fewer clusters, and a smaller FAT. A cluster is the smallest size that can be allocated to a file. So if you have a file smaller than that, it will take up an entire cluster. So you end up "wasting" some space if you have a lot of small files. Conversely, if you have mostly LARGE files, the amount of overhead you save by using fewer clusters more than makes up for the amount you lose when you only need part of a cluster for the file.
I'm not sure what you mean by "Delaying". Do you mean that when you re-mount the card, it takes a long time? Or while it is running normally it's sluggish? If it's just a lot of time on the re-mount, that is pretty normal. You can connect with ADB and run logcat to see what it is doing when it delays - chances are it's just that the fsck takes awhile to run.