


Does any one else like salt water tanks? The coral reef kind? How about own one or 10? I am starting one, and would like to see any gadget head+reefer pics! I have joined some cool reef forums, and have been totally starting a new addiction!

*sigh* I wonder if any pics of rad reef tanks will show here to inspire me?
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not my own.. but some of the better tanks i've seen for both fresh and salt water can be found at great tanks there... as for me i have a 40 gal african cichlid tank and 2 ten gallon tanks i keep in my room of assorted FW community fish
I love cichlids of the African variety! Cool man, would love to see a pic of your tank? I can draw inspiration from fresh water too : ) Thanks for the heads up. I am checking that rate my tank now=)
This is no way my reef, but it is one of the most impressive systems I have ever seen.

I am in the process of looking for a new house, but I have a 120 gallon custom made Starphire glass tank waiting to be setup. I ordered it about a year ago, but never set it up. The tank is HEAVY and I didn't trust it on the second floor of my house, which is where it was supposed to go. I have 2x 1.5" holes in the back wall, 1x 2" hole on the floor, and 9x 1.5" holes on the floor. With that many holes they had to use 1" and 1.5" glass, so there was a ton of extra added weight.

All I have now is a 300 gallon Rubbermaid tub I am using as a sump, feeding a 55 gallon Rubbermaid tub that I am using as a prop tank. The only filtration I really have is a CS 12-1 Euroreef Skimmer (besides a ton of live rock). I only have a few Zoos left that I ordered from a while ago. Most of my other livestock I gave to my local fish store. I know them pretty well so I know I will recoup my cash when it comes time to set my equipment back up.

Good luck with your setup and if you have any questions feel free to ask. I am happy to help if I can. I know you said you were checking out reef forums so im assuming you found But if not, check it out!
that tank from oregon reef is incredible... bet that cost a pretty penny
coongogg97....that is some of the best reef I have ever seen. My goodness, I would love to be able to have that kind of success. You sound serious, and from the equipment you described, you could have bought a car! I am looking forward to seeing it set up in your new house. Thanks for the link, and I am sure I am doing metal halides with sps mostly. I will check reef central out! Thank man. I will hit you up for questions, but FYI...this is not the first salt tank I have set up, so I can relax and experiment a little. question: what sea mix do you prefer?
here is a pic of the cichlid tank through my phone's eyes.. the rocks are pretty basic as its a fairly new tank and im slowly introducing new fish. With cichlids you are supposed to rearrange the rocks every time you add new fish so they can have a chance at establishing their territory... too much rearranging gets to be a hassle so keeping it simple for now... let me know what you think

Your not kidding that cost a pretty penny. Lots of good info there. You guys are awesome, I have discovered two links that are just what the Doctor ordered....DF rules!
here is a pic of the cichlid tank through my phone's eyes.. the rocks are pretty basic as its a fairly new tank and im slowly introducing new fish. With cichlids you are supposed to rearrange the rocks every time you add new fish so they can have a chance at establishing their territory... too much rearranging gets to be a hassle so keeping it simple for now... let me know what you think

I love that substrate. I think I am going with white as possible too. The rock work looks zen/utopia! That is awesome. What kind of Africans are you thinking of? I had an African tank once, and those fish are cool. They would build caves, just to prepare for battle! lol, and their colors are infinitely possible.
here is a pic of the cichlid tank through my phone's eyes.. the rocks are pretty basic as its a fairly new tank and im slowly introducing new fish. With cichlids you are supposed to rearrange the rocks every time you add new fish so they can have a chance at establishing their territory... too much rearranging gets to be a hassle so keeping it simple for now... let me know what you think

I love that substrate. I think I am going with white as possible too. The rock work looks zen/utopia! That is awesome. What kind of Africans are you thinking of? I had an African tank once, and those fish are cool. They would build caves, just to prepare for battle! lol, and their colors are infinitely possible.
Update, I see the blue one!
little yellow guy at the bottom right cave too and this isnt very recent as there are now 6 fish in there and the homemade filter in the back right (Which worked incredibly well) has now been removed... i am away from home right now.. but the fish i can remember are 1 yellow lab 1 bumblebee 1 demasoni and 1 guy even the LFS couldnt recognize that is blue with orange fins (not the one that costs $80 though hah)

as for the substrate 1) when going sand... clean the crap out of it.... ill put up another pic to show you what happens if you dont (and why we needed the homemade filter) and 2 if you want white i'll trade you for about a 20 gal. tank's worth of black :)
these are two examples of "oh.. i think the sand is clean enough" I have learned to live by the rule.. "if you think its clean enough...give it another hour"
Thanks for the tips man! I can spot some of those other fish now....they are going to get big! What one was 80 bucks? I used to love dropping tiny gold fish and watching the aggression.