Yes, I still want to release tonight. The upload is still going to take about an hour, hotel internet is never speedy. I think I have the Messaging issue fixed, and it seems to be booting now! I will test a few more key parts, write up a new OP, and post it!
Granted, its not a HUGE change into the world of Steel Droid, but it DOES work, run smooth, and have a LOT of bloated crap removed. I will work on theming parts of it when I am sure its stable enough. I will be working horrendous hours the next 3 days, so don't expect bug fixes to come instantly.
To answer your question cLoAk3d, I will NOT be able to include the radio patch in the release. if I could, I wouldn't, due to possible legal ramifications from Verizon. (Are there even any)