Unfortunately, I think it might be the end of the line for my support for the D3. Its not as fast or as smooth (by any means) a phone, as compared to other, more affordable, current devices. Im actually thinking about selling my D3, and putting that money toward something newer, like an SGS3, or Nexus 7. I dont really know where my D3 even IS right now. I use it that much. I hardly touch my D1, but its like its made of steel.....DROID! lol It just keeps going, and its always going to be my backup phone (god forbid I actually need to use it for that purpose.
HOWEVER, if I manage to get a kexec build running on my D3, I MIGHT continue work on it, but it wont be much. The VZW Galaxy Nexus is taking up my time right now. Its a lot of fun, and its smooth as hell. I ALMOST like it better than an SGS3 (played with one a month or so ago, and it was great, but just didnt feel sturdy physically, and figured the screen might also eventually get "burn'ins" like the GNex. But other than that, its a very nice phone.