Repurpose Your Old Android Device As a Security Camera!

Yes. An excellent idea for those who don't have a hoard of older phones to repurpose but want to do the same type of surveillance.

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Every once in a while a developer really hits the mark with a tight cluster. Alfred has done that. It's just that good at everything it does.

I've been in touch with the team (they reached out to me), and they're expressing interest in becoming either a developer for our site or a contributing vendor. They're excited about being contributing members.

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That'd be great to have them here, they nailed the app. I was happy to use my Play Store credit to support and remove ads.
Lol! The S3 is apparently fully charged. I just got a notification on my 6P that it stopped charging. Yeah. It'll do that when it's charged. Either that, or my powerbank died, but I doubt it.

And I know the jerky cats couldn't have messed up the cable without knocking the camera over, which I can see is still standing on the tripod from the feed.

This is fun.

I can see how this could be useful when our baby comes this summer as well.
Lol! The S3 is apparently fully charged. I just got a notification on my 6P that it stopped charging. Yeah. It'll do that when it's charged. Either that, or my powerbank died, but I doubt it.

And I know the jerky cats couldn't have messed up the cable without knocking the camera over, which I can see is still standing on the tripod from the feed.

This is fun.

I can see how this could be useful when our baby comes this summer as well.

If we didn't buy a camera for the kid's room already, that's exactly what one of the phones would be going to. I have my Moto X I can still setup.....but I don't know what else I want to spy on. The dog apparently just naps all day, so he's no fun.
That'd be great to have them here, they nailed the app. I was happy to use my Play Store credit to support and remove ads.
I have to agree. This is an A+ with extra credits for adding intuitive features and a great GUI. I'll let them know that we're all very excited about it and get them taking to the proper channels (i.e. CJM).

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IKR!? I thought for sure I'd get a motion detection notification from the dog moving around in his kennel or the cats chasing each other past, but I haven't seen one notification for that so far today. Pretty sure they ALL sleep all day. They wake up at lunch when I come home to let the dog out and then go back to sleep.

Anyway, Not sure that I'll use this all day every day, but will definitely keep it in mind. If not for the baby, maybe if/when we decide the dog can be trusted to be out of the kennel for longer than an hour or so while we're gone. Right now, he most certainly can't. He likes to chew up things that don't belong to him and he's been having some digestive issues lately.
Man...I'm so tempted to use the Mic function and wake him up, but I wanna wait because I don't know that he'll notice me pull up to the house, but he's almost always awake when I come in. I'm pretty sure that's because of the garage door opener, because that's how he knows to be excited that mom's home a little later.

I want to pull into my driveway and pull the camera up before I hit the garage door button to see for sure. Maybe he doesn't wake up until I actually come in. Hard to tell, because he's good about not freaking out most days unless I don't let him out of the kennel soon after I come in.
IKR!? I thought for sure I'd get a motion detection notification from the dog moving around in his kennel or the cats chasing each other past, but I haven't seen one notification for that so far today. Pretty sure they ALL sleep all day. They wake up at lunch when I come home to let the dog out and then go back to sleep.

Anyway, Not sure that I'll use this all day every day, but will definitely keep it in mind. If not for the baby, maybe if/when we decide the dog can be trusted to be out of the kennel for longer than an hour or so while we're gone. Right now, he most certainly can't. He likes to chew up things that don't belong to him and he's been having some digestive issues lately.
It's no surprise that the animals are sleeping while you're at work. Cats are nocturnal by nature so that's to be expected, however the dog is probably simply environmentally trained to your schedule rather than being bored stiff during the day and then being too tired to play in the evenings and night.

I'm impressed by the camera and it's motion detection. I had it next to my bed, room was almost totally dark, and yet when I got up to get a drink without turning on a light, it caught me and sent me a video. That night vision is just truly amazing.

I'm trying hard to find something about it that I don't like.

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I'm having the occasional issue connecting, but I'm thinking the most recent issues I've had may be because I had the webview open on my PC and then tried to connect via my phone as well.

HAHAHAHA!!! OMG! That's amazing. I just happened to test that theory in time to see my wife come home early. I wondered why the heck he was sitting up and looking out the side of the kennel, then I got the sound going on the camera and heard her coming in and then laugh at the phone on the tripod, so I hollered at her to leave my dog alone.

Didn't realize she was running home before taking my stepson to a Dr. appointment. Great timing, even if she did ruin my experiment.
I have my bionic setup. Now to leave and see what he does when I'm gone, other than sleep.


There are ads??? I haven't seen any.
Excellent DMX, thanks for sharing, got the tablets going, but my old GNex isn't liking it yet...

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We have 6 led night lights in the garage for the dog. She also has a puppy door for full access to outside. The night lights should help with the camera. I'll have to test later.
Man...I'm so tempted to use the Mic function and wake him up, but I wanna wait because I don't know that he'll notice me pull up to the house, but he's almost always awake when I come in. I'm pretty sure that's because of the garage door opener, because that's how he knows to be excited that mom's home a little later.

I want to pull into my driveway and pull the camera up before I hit the garage door button to see for sure. Maybe he doesn't wake up until I actually come in. Hard to tell, because he's good about not freaking out most days unless I don't let him out of the kennel soon after I come in.
Don't be surprised to find out he wakes 5-10 minutes prior to your arrival, or that his waking coincides with when you leave work. These animals have a 6th sense, a form of communication that allows them to connect with their masters over great distances. This is proven time and time again when they are displaced and yet find their way home from several hundred miles away or more and over several years.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
Don't be surprised to find out he wakes 5-10 minutes prior to your arrival, or that his waking coincides with when you leave work. These animals have a 6th sense, a form of communication that allows them to connect with their masters over great distances. This is proven time and time again when they are displaced and yet find their way home from several hundred miles away or more and over several years.

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He knew my wife was pregnant before we did. We're going to bed one night & she says something about how he has to be by her belly lately, to the point that she was laying on her stomach a day before & he tried to basically burrow in next to her belly.

I made the joke asking if he knew something I didn't know & a day or 2 later, she took a test & it was positive.

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