Researcher: Google Wave, iPhone and Android will be heavily attacked in 2010


Nov 26, 2009
Reaction score
Virginia Beach, VA
From USA Today app..

From the crystal ball of *Roel Schouwenberg: Google Wave, the iPhone and Android mobile phones will come under heavy cyber attacks in 2010 Schouwenberg, a*senior malware researcher at Kaspersky Lab Americas, predicts Google Wave will grab headlines in coming months -- but not necessarily for emerging as the*next killer*online*networking*app. Instead,*he says, Google Wave is likely to become*a top*target of cyber criminals."Attacks on this new Google service will no doubt follow the usual pattern," Schouwenberg soothsays. "First, the sending of spam, followed by phishing attacks, then the exploiting of vulnerabilities and the spreading of malware." malware." Schouwenberg also anticipates*a sharp rise in attacks on the iPhone and Android mobile platforms, following the successful probe attacks of 2009. "The first malicious programs for these mobile platforms appeared in 2009, a sure sign that they have aroused the interest of cybercriminals," he says. cybercriminals," he says. Android users, in particular, seem ripe for plundering."The increasing popularity of mobile phones running the Android operating system,*combined with a lack of effective checks to ensure third-party software applications are secure, will lead to a number of high-profile malware outbreaks," he says. applications are secure, will lead to a number of high- profile malware outbreaks," he says. Schowenberg's prescient orb also*tells him that* the overheated race between Google, Microsoft Bing, and Yahoo Search to incorporate Facebook and Twitter posts in search results -- in real time -- is destined to aid and abet*cyber criminals' deployment of* phishing scams, banking Trojans and cutting-edge intrusions. "Malware will continue to further its sophistication in 2010," he says. By Byron Acohido
Wow, who would have guessed? Seriously!?
1) Don't be stupid
2) Review things so you know what your getting/ doing
3) Go back and read #1
I think we all could have figured that we would somehow be prime targets for a cyber attack. Im sure VZW and AT&T are already working on safeguards and assuming we all chill and play it smart we will all be fine.

Wagner :motdroidvert:
I don't know man, them cybercriminals are smart as you know what! Alot of them punks be attacking from Russia
"Kaspersky Lab Americas"
They are an internet security company... they profit off creating 'fear' in tech safety.
I would take this article with a grain of sand.
We are Spartans gentlemen.........

Watch Kaspersky release an app to protect us all : )
"Kaspersky Lab Americas"
They are an internet security company... they profit off creating 'fear' in tech safety.
I would take this article with a grain of sand.
I believe the expression is "a grain of salt."
"Kaspersky Lab Americas"
They are an internet security company... they profit off creating 'fear' in tech safety.
I would take this article with a grain of sand.

my thoughts exactly. bolera....chimera? lol
Unfortunately, Kaspersky is probably correct. But, like in most of the high-profile incidents of the past, the bad guys have to hack the user more than they have to hack the device. Meaning, they have to find a way to make you click on a link to install their malware give them your account info. It's fairly rare now-a-days to have an exploit that can reach out and infect your phone (or PC) without your help. The same rules apply to the Droid that apply to your PC:

Don't give out personal info
Don't download software from untrusted sources
Don't click on unknown links
Make regular backups

In other words: Common Sense. :)
the iPhone *hasn't* been attacked "yet" really. There was a *worm* that would "get" into phones that were *unlocked* but besides "that" I don't think there *was* any other "attack".