Thanks for the advice/comiseration. I was afraid that this was not isolated to me. It just points to crappy quality control in my mind. How could this many defective devices make their way out the door? I think part of it is that we accept them. I don't care for the Apple ecosystem, but I'm starting to see the logic of it. Is it too much to ask for a device that just works? We don't need 5000 devices a year, we need a few that work.
The lack of ownership when problems like this occur is infuriating. I don't care if it's a VZW or HTC issue, I just care that someone fixes it.
I'm giving my second Rezound a chance (once I get a new SIM card from VZ, and I'll try what you suggested *22899), but if it so much as hiccups during the weekend it's going back. Maybe give the D4 a shot and just hope that they'll support it for more than 8 months......
Mikeinctown - Just a word of warning, that is what was happening with mine prior to the crash. Also, you should be able to get 3g otherwise you're going to have a bad time in any area where 4g isn't avail.
Whoooa. Don't do *228 on a 4G device. You can zap the sim.. Even though I did try it once before I knew better and my phone conveniently wouldn't allow me to.