Rezound now or Edge later?

Here's my question. Who NEEDS a quad-core phone.?? I mean that's like having a mainframe instead of a desktop. I'm sure Jellybean or KrispyKreme or Lemon Tart or whatever comes after it will require/utilize a quad core but we're nowhere near there now. We're finally getting beyond wasting our second core with ICS.

I watched a fairly long review of that Transformer Prime with the quad core chipset in it. It didn't seem to execute any faster than any of the current dual core phones do.
I don't see any reason to wait. by the time the new one comes out and all the bugs get worked out you are looking at 6+ months easy. By then you could be a third through the period until your next upgrade. heck, I'm already two months in on my Rezound and i'm loving it.

If anything, if there is a phone the same as this except better battery life i would get that one. lol.
I returned my Galaxy Nexus a couple days ago. Just wasn't satisfied with it. Opted to go with the Rezound instead. Software can always be upgraded on a phone. Hardware cannot. Really disliked the no SD card slot, unimpressive camera, grainy display, etc.

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I returned my Galaxy Nexus a couple days ago. Just wasn't satisfied with it. Opted to go with the Rezound instead. Software can always be upgraded on a phone. Hardware cannot. Really disliked the no SD card slot, unimpressive camera, grainy display, etc.

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Ok so now he knows not to get the Nexus. Glad you cleared that up for him! ;)
I returned my Galaxy Nexus a couple days ago. Just wasn't satisfied with it. Opted to go with the Rezound instead. Software can always be upgraded on a phone. Hardware cannot. Really disliked the no SD card slot, unimpressive camera, grainy display, etc.

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Grainy Display, etc...? You must have gotten a bad phone.
I noticed there isn't an accessories section for the rezound. Do any of you have the dock, and if you do, do you like it? Also I haven't seen a car dock from htc, what are the options there?

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I say wait for the Edge, if your smartphone has gotten you this far, why not just stick it out a few more months, for those people telling you to get the Rezound are the ones that already bit the bullet, I can tell you this much, jot down all the names of the people telling you to get the Rezound, it will be the same people crying and wanting the Edge, which will be a beast of a phone, myself, I own the original Incredible, phone looks and works like the first day I bought it, does everything all these new smartphones do, so yes I will wait for that Quad core sweetness that will be on the shelves come spring, till then, love my Incredible. If the Transformer Prime rocks with the Tegra 3, I am sure the new Edge will be smoking, and all those other quad core phones from Samsung, motto, LG, Asus and the like.

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I say wait for the Edge, if your smartphone has gotten you this far, why not just stick it out a few more months, for those people telling you to get the Rezound are the ones that already bit the bullet, I can tell you this much, jot down all the names of the people telling you to get the Rezound, it will be the same people crying and wanting the Edge, which will be a beast of a phone, myself, I own the original Incredible, phone looks and works like the first day I bought it, does everything all these new smartphones do, so yes I will wait for that Quad core sweetness that will be on the shelves come spring, till then, love my Incredible. If the Transformer Prime rocks with the Tegra 3, I am sure the new Edge will be smoking, and all those other quad core phones from Samsung, motto, LG, Asus and the like.

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Ever heard of the curse of the first generation? Thunderbolt suffered from it. edge might follow. HTC likes to be first, but not tested and best. The rezound is HTC/verizon's best phone (opinion) the edge is due to suffer from even worse battery life amongst other issues. Thing is, the edge hasn't been in the regular consumers hand. You really don't know what you are getting yet. But, hey be my guest. I like learning from other people's decisions. I mean, it will be a great phone, after the bugs are worked. HTC did say they are going more for quality ins tea of quantity, so the Edge COULD be the first 1st gen to actually live up t the hype.
I do agree. The good thing for me is even when the Edge comes out I should be good to upgrade cuz I traded to get the Rezound lol. But Idk I'm really loving this device.

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I won't be crying for the Edge. Good chance I'll have my Rezound more than 2 years. I don't see what the first gen or two of quad cores will really bring to the table, unless maybe you're a big gamer.

The next upgrade that will peak my interest will be something like the Padfone, or a phone truly powerful enough to dual-boot Windows and compete as a real laptop alternative.
Ever heard of the curse of the first generation? Thunderbolt suffered from it. edge might follow. HTC likes to be first, but not tested and best. The rezound is HTC/verizon's best phone (opinion) the edge is due to suffer from even worse battery life amongst other issues. Thing is, the edge hasn't been in the regular consumers hand. You really don't know what you are getting yet. But, hey be my guest. I like learning from other people's decisions. I mean, it will be a great phone, after the bugs are worked. HTC did say they are going more for quality ins tea of quantity, so the Edge COULD be the first 1st gen to actually live up t the hype.
every phone has bugs, including the Rezound, so please spare me with excuses, the new quad phones will be nothing like the dual core phones you see today. I still don't get people upgrading to a new phone every six months to a year, I myself have waited two years and am glad I did, yes the Incredible is a bit slower than the new dual core phones, but it does everything I need it to do with no problems, so when the quad core phones come out, I will get one of those babys to hold me over for at least another two years or maybe more, like my Incredible has, and to be quite honest with you, my Incredible should be good for another 5 years, but I want a 4 G phone, it's the only and main reason for me getting a new device.

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After finally getting around to going into Verizon and playing with phones again I have decided I will never own a phone with a screen size less than 4.5. I messed around with the RAZR for a while and the screen is just ok. I then went and grabbed the rezound and picked it up and thought how fat it was. When I put it down next to the nexus I immediately noticed the screen difference and am really missing the nexus.

So I will either wait for the nexus price to drop and hopefully the radio issues will be fixed or wait for something else.

Im glad all of you rezound owners are happy with it but I just didn't feel it was that great. Way too thick of a phone, and with the extended battery the rezound is very bloated!

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