Rezound or Spectrun

Ah, well maybe the originators are going for that contest then lol.
Some of those pictures are quite good. You do need a good camera, but taking good photos still takes some skill.
Yes, you can, with some limitations. In general smartphones don't do well in low light. The Rezound and the iPhone have modes that will make low light pictures much better, but IMO they won't be print quality.

But in normal or bright light, most of the new phones can take beautiful shots. The iPhone and Rezound are the best ones on Verizon but the Razr and LG spectrum have excellent cameras as well. The rezound has great macro modes (ultra close up) and depth of field (where the foreground is in focus and the background is blurred, which gives a professional feel to the shots). Many have panorama modes. On the rezound you just tap on and object in the scene and the camera immediately brings it to focus. I found that to be very cool.

I would say look at the sample pictures online and decide for yourself. The Rezound will do better in low light. The spectrum does have a good camera, but it is not better than the Rezound from what I have seen, even in normal light.

The selling point for the spectrum is it's display. It has an IPS display which is as good as it gets for LCD right now. But in every other way the Rezound is as good or better. Including the camera.

I love how everyones gripe about the bionic was the camera was terrible...and tossed it aside for that reason.. now the razr has THE EXACT SAME CAMERA. And hardware for that matter. But razr has a good camera? Ive even used the razrs camera apk.. and the shots look the same. Not great. Not bad. Its so funny how just a name makes people think **** is better or worse. Rediculous. And somone saying here in this thread earlier how the spectrum is a tier 1 phone alone with rezound gnex and razr.. but the the same damn phone as the razr and.99% the same as the gnex ... except.. you do have up to 64 gb and class 10 sd cards and you can take the battery out. And it does have true hdmi out. And u can see the screen outside.. People are so biased here its sickening.
To the Op and everyone else. Try the phone. U like it keep it. U dont. Return it. That simple. Thats why they give u 14 days. And fyi everyone. Bionic is a tier 1 phone. At half the price. On the same hardware as oh precious gnex with removable storage.. and the great razr cam.. or it the crappy bionic cam... wait is there a difference? Bah. My 2c. Peace. Waste of time this thread.
I loved the bionic except for the audio whine issue, so I returned it, now I have a rezound. Since I waited for awhile I got the rezound for 150, pretty sweet deal. The camera is definitely better than the bionic, although i did manage to get some great shots with the bionic.
I love how everyones gripe about the bionic was the camera was terrible...and tossed it aside for that reason.. now the razr has THE EXACT SAME CAMERA. And hardware for that matter. But razr has a good camera?
Its not the best, but IMO it is better than the Galaxy Nexus. I have not seen shots with the Bionic to compare. Can you post some?

Ive even used the razrs camera apk.. and the shots look the same. Not great. Not bad. Its so funny how just a name makes people think **** is better or worse. Rediculous. And somone saying here in this thread earlier how the spectrum is a tier 1 phone alone with rezound gnex and razr.. but the the same damn phone as the razr and.99% the same as the gnex ... except.. you do have up to 64 gb and class 10 sd cards and you can take the battery out. And it does have true hdmi out. And u can see the screen outside.. People are so biased here its sickening.
The main selling point with the Razr is that it is very thin, very lightweight, and very durable (and the Maxx version has massive battery life as well). I believe it also has the fastest CPU (at least among the verizon phones).

I dont consider the Bionic a tier 1 phone. It is slower than the current tier 1 phones, doesn't have a 720p display, ect... It is half the price for a reason. Nothing against the phone several months the current tier 1 phones will not longer be tier 1 either. Thats just how it is.
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Its not the best, but IMO it is better than the Galaxy Nexus. I have not seen shots with the Bionic to compare. Can you post some?

The main selling point with the Razr is that it is very thin, very lightweight, and very durable (and the Maxx version has massive battery life as well). I believe it also has the fastest CPU (at least among the verizon phones).

I dont consider the Bionic a tier 1 phone. It is slower than the current tier 1 phones, doesn't have a 720p display, ect... It is half the price for a reason. Nothing against the phone several months the current tier 1 phones will not longer be tier 1 either. Thats just how it is.

Wow. Bionic has the same chipset as razr and gnex. Razr doesnt have 720p screen either just a oled pentile screen as compared to a lcd on the bionic... razr doeznt have the fastest processor on the market... in clockspeed or raw power. And neither does the gnex.. matterfact im beating every single razr on nenmark 2 and every gnex but a few...with my bionic gpu at gnex levels and my "non tier one 0map processors" @ 1.4 ghz.. its people like you who have zero clue about The misinformation they spread to people.. which hurts everyone else and this forum..
Wow. Bionic has the same chipset as razr and gnex.
...and is clocked at 1ghz. Even if the chipsets are completely identical (I'll take your word for it), it is still slower.

Razr doesnt have 720p screen either just a oled pentile screen as compared to a lcd on the bionic...
Razr has all the other features I just mentioned to make up for it. The Bionic doesnt. The bionic has nothing that is better than the current top tier phones. Thats why I dont consider it tier 1.

razr doeznt have the fastest processor on the market...
I didnt say "on the market"...I said on Verizon. And clockspeed does not = faster necessarily. The Razr is faster than the Rezound despite the fact that the Rezound is 1.5ghz. There are other variables besides clockspeed.

its people like you who have zero clue about The misinformation they spread to people.. which hurts everyone else and this forum..
Your concern is duly noted. You should notify the moderators immediately. Just out of curiosity, what claim specifically have I made that is untrue?

No need to take it personally. Its just a phone.
...and is clocked at 1ghz. Even if the chipsets are completely identical (I'll take your word for it), it is still slower.

Razr has all the other features I just mentioned to make up for it. The Bionic doesnt. The bionic has nothing that is better than the current top tier phones. Thats why I dont consider it tier 1.

I didnt say "on the market"...I said on Verizon. And clockspeed does not = faster necessarily. The Razr is faster than the Rezound despite the fact that the Rezound is 1.5ghz. There are other variables besides clockspeed.

Your concern is duly noted. You should notify the moderators immediately. Just out of curiosity, what claim specifically have I made that is untrue?

No need to take it personally. Its just a phone.

Lol you said many things wrong. And bionic is absolutely a top tier dual core 32gb lte verizon phone. It may not have anything better but it has nothing worse.. therefore its in that class. Are you.kidding me with these replies? You misinformed on your last post. Most definately. And many would consider removable battery a better feature than a non removable. Many would consider a hardwire hmdi out with webtop better than mhi. Many would consider removable storage "better" than mass internal storage only. Ur reasoning is 200mhz? My bionic runs 1.275ghz all day every day. Without even a voltage bump. So 200mhz makes.or breaks a top tier phone in or out of the club? After you just said clockspeed is only one side of the story? Cmon man this int personal. You just dont know what your talking about. And now ur trying to save face..
Lol you said many things wrong. And bionic is absolutely a top tier dual core 32gb lte verizon phone. It may not have anything better but it has nothing worse.. therefore its in that class. Are you.kidding me with these replies? You misinformed on your last post. Most definately. And many would consider removable battery a better feature than a non removable. Many would consider a hardwire hmdi out with webtop better than mhi. Many would consider removable storage "better" than mass internal storage only. Ur reasoning is 200mhz? My bionic runs 1.275ghz all day every day. Without even a voltage bump. So 200mhz makes.or breaks a top tier phone in or out of the club? After you just said clockspeed is only one side of the story? Cmon man this int personal. You just dont know what your talking about. And now ur trying to save face..

The Bionic has the best screen for viewing outside, and has a smaller bezel than the Razr, while having the same size screen. Just sayin...

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Lol you said many things wrong.
The fact that you disagree with an opinion I have does not necessarily mean I am wrong. Not sure where you got the idea you are right by default, heh heh.

And bionic is absolutely a top tier dual core 32gb lte verizon phone.
That is not enough to be top tier IMO. And I'm obviously not the only one who thinks so.

It may not have anything better but it has nothing worse..
...but it's competitors DO have stuff that is better. Thats why it is not equal. It has no features that are the best at anything, but the reverse is not true. They DO have features that are the best in some areas.

You misinformed on your last post. Most definately.
The fact that you do not agree with an opinion I have about something does not = "misinformation". LOL

And many would consider removable battery a better feature than a non removable.
Using that logic, my Droid 1 is superior to the Razr. But which do you think most people would rather have?

Ur reasoning is 200mhz? My bionic runs 1.275ghz all day every day.
So why didnt they sell it like that if it is so reliable? I could run my Droid 1 at 1ghz, but it was not the same as a real 1ghz phone.

You just dont know what your talking about.
You've declared it, so it must be so. No proof necessary. LOL
The fact that you disagree with an opinion I have does not necessarily mean I am wrong. Not sure where you got the idea you are right by default, heh heh.

That is not enough to be top tier IMO. And I'm obviously not the only one who thinks so.

...but it's competitors DO have stuff that is better. Thats why it is not equal. It has no features that are the best at anything, but the reverse is not true. They DO have features that are the best in some areas.

The fact that you do not agree with an opinion I have about something does not = "misinformation". LOL

Using that logic, my Droid 1 is superior to the Razr. But which do you think most people would rather have?

So why didnt they sell it like that if it is so reliable? I could run my Droid 1 at 1ghz, but it was not the same as a real 1ghz phone.

You've declared it, so it must be so. No proof necessary. LOL

.... lol.. My point is clear and concise. Ur comparing apples to oranges with the og comparisons.. And you did say razr had 720p screen. Then u said rezound wasnt better cuz of its higher clock speed and then went on to say razr is superior cuz of its clockspeed... But then ur arguement was that they dont run bionic at 1.2 ghz cuz it isnt reliable even tho razr and bionics chipsets are both EXACTLY the same ti 0map 4430. tho moto said they went with 1.0 ghz on bionic for power consumption. An bumped razrs clock merely to differentiate it from the very similiar and 30 day old bionic. And then released maxx cuz razrs consumption is absolutely not good at all. And the person who coined the term tier 1 phones was the person i was replying to. Not you. So cmon man. Jiggs up. We heard what u had to say. Now ur creating a pissing match for nothing. Grow up.
And you did say razr had 720p screen.
Where did I say that?

Then u said rezound wasnt better cuz of its higher clock speed and then went on to say razr is superior cuz of its clockspeed...
I said there are more variables than clockspeed. I didnt say clockspeed didnt matter. Please pay attention.

Now ur creating a pissing match for nothing.
The pissing match was over a long time ago. Thats why you are not seeing commercials for the Bionic anymore. It cant compete with the newest stuff.

You first.
Thank you Jeff for remaining calm and collected in the face of absurdity. Cheers.

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I really don't understand why people get mad at the people who say their phone isn't exactly what the owner believes it to be. opinions man. God Bless America and any other establishment for letting folks have an opinion. relaaaaaax. it's just your hard earned money spent the way you want to spend it. no big deal right? If the Bionic makes you happy, learn to love it and live with it. Same for the Spectrum, the Rezound, or any other phone out there. All the phones are very good in their own right.

I used to own the Bionic. i liked it for a while, but had one too many random reboots and i got tired of forcing myself to believe the pentile display didn't look any different than other phone without pentile....because it really does. The camera on the Bionic was actually pretty good. I wouldn't choose it over some other phones cameras, but it was still a decent Smartphone grade camera. Many of the cameras on smartphones these days are pretty good. Some of course are better than others, but the thing people fail to realize it a camera cannot work the same magic that a good photographer can. Lighting, angles, and camera settings have much to do with a good pic. So don't let the camera on X phone stray you away. In the end, it's always going to be a smartphone grade camera made for capturing not so important events that just happen to be at the same place where you and your smartphone are. leave the hardcore critiques for the real cameras.

I believe out of the Bionic, Spectrum, Razr, and Gnex you can't go completely wrong. They all do somethings well, especially with a few OTA updates and some love. lol.