Silver Member
My favorite thing in the world...haters. Some people say if you wanna see how successful you are you need to count your haters, the more the merrier. And android seems to be extremely successful. First of all the windows CEO said android is made for rocket scientists (because their phones occupy .5 percent of the market). Now we have this genius from rim saying that all android devices look the same...when in fact every single argument that people get into this forum about is because of the ten different skins android devices have on them from HTC to moto to nexus to Samsung to lg and even some other brands I have no idea about. Apple is on the other end suing the hell out of every company working with Android.
And yet, android still stands on top of all devices in the market.
I love Google. Three years ago they were nobodys as far as products went. Now they took over the cellphone market pushing out all the competition, tablet sales have tremendously will be targeted next along with osx soon as chromium comes out.
Goodbye windows, apple, blackberry losers. Welcome monopoly of Google. The only monopoly I will support.
I just love the arguments that these companies make because what they say are androids weakness always seem to be their own. Windows said android is complicated, lol have they ever used windows computers? I hate them because they're so complex. Rim saying androids look too nothing to say to this. And apple saying android isn't innovative and is copying their style.
These companies just prove that CEOs are nothing more than complete idiots.
Hmmm you go from saying how much you hate haters to being a gather yourself. Nicely done....
To be or not to be........................wait what was the question? This signature has been Tapatalk approved.