Ringtone Issues

Yah. I checked to make sure the sound was turned on...lol (laughing because ive done similar things in the past).

I get by by having caller id on repeat..annoying but at least i can hear calls.

Yah ill try a reset.

Update....to no ringtones...only vibrate and caller id...

It will turn on and off caller id, also the id repeat mode.

BUT. The vibrate stays on no matter what i set it at...even off....

It seems stuck on vibrate. And no ringer sounds.

Im doing a system reset atm.

More after...
Mine is the same but I sooooo don't want to do a reset. Someone has to know how to fix this! Uuggghhh...lol.

From Tracy, sent from my Droid X

Did the reset. Did the backup/restore to get my contacts back.

Still.rooted ok. Reinstalled.my apps. All standard ringtones work. No ringtone addons or apps installed AThere is an Android god afterall.....have not turned on the vibrate yet though....
rod1025 has the answer to this posted in another section. It worked for a lot of us. If you can't find it let me know and I'll copy and paste it here for you.

From Tracy, sent from my Droid X