Flashed and running this ROM from the original thread, home button is working fine (did you wipe everything completely before flashing?), market is now working properly, flashed the leaked radios and when Verizon's network is actually up, I am seeing significantly better signal.
Also, running this with franco's third nightly kernel and this thing is rock solid and blazing fast. After deleting the file from /system/lib/egl as suggested in the kernel thread, I saw a 500+ jump in my quadrant score (not that that means too terribly much), but I have also seen a dramatic improvement in overall performance.
Didn't mean to derail the thread, anyway, love this ROM and look forward to what comes next. This is like the explosion of dev support for the original droid all over again. DancingNexus
Also, running this with franco's third nightly kernel and this thing is rock solid and blazing fast. After deleting the file from /system/lib/egl as suggested in the kernel thread, I saw a 500+ jump in my quadrant score (not that that means too terribly much), but I have also seen a dramatic improvement in overall performance.
Didn't mean to derail the thread, anyway, love this ROM and look forward to what comes next. This is like the explosion of dev support for the original droid all over again. DancingNexus