I was able to flash over 2.2 No problems. I just wiped cache and dalvik cache. But I had a nandroid just in case it didn't work.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using.. magic.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using.. magic.
Question before I flash this. Will the mods I have already made to my soft keys be reverted? Can I set them back to blue after?
How can I verify my CWM is "permanent"?
Ok Thanks. ... I am just wondering if its worth it to go through all of that and re-setting up my phone the way I want. I am just wondering if there will be a 2.5 then 2.6, then.....Yes I asked this earlier and someone said to avoid bugs and conflicts, its always a good idea to wipe between each version, even if you don't need to.
Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums
thanks Ben... so if you flash over it, then all of your apps and settings are intact? ... what is a "nandroid"?I was able to flash over 2.2 No problems. I just wiped cache and dalvik cache. But I had a nandroid just in case it didn't work.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using.. magic.
Very nice.. Few things... After I flashed the softkey mods my the Launcher settings are no longer available in system settings?
I got rid of the Google search bar (before my settings disappeared) is that unused space absolutely mandatory unless you use Nova or something?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Looks like my picassa won't sync my albums (on gallery) if I have Google + not sync my upload photos. I don't want to upload every time I take a pic but would like to see my albums., anyone else see the same problem?
Tap'd from my G-Nex
Ok Thanks. ... I am just wondering if its worth it to go through all of that and re-setting up my phone the way I want. I am just wondering if there will be a 2.5 then 2.6, then.....
thanks Ben... so if you flash over it, then all of your apps and settings are intact? ... what is a "nandroid"?
THanks for the reply Art. Very helpful!There will always be updates and in the beginning of rom development they are usually very frequent so yes 2.5 and that 2.6..... will happen.
If you flash over your current rom, so long as its an axiom rom, you should keep all your data and what not. This is not recommended though since the developer probably made some significant changes or rewrote the source and its possible the coding from the old rom interferes with the new rom.
A nandroid is a backup of your current rim and settings.
With all that said. I feel like 2.4 us a pretty solid update from 2.3. I am getting much better bat life and performance is awesome too. No lag anywhere. But if you are happy with what you got, no real reason to upgrade, looks the same and not many new features added.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Is there an LTE toggle switch in 2.4? i cant seem to find it.
(never mind found it)![]()
Its in cyanogen settings under interface. Select the notification power then look for select widget buttons..
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums