I posted this over at rootzwiki where I guess all the drama went down...
I'd love to find out what really happened, if not just to not give support to whoever it was that ran DT out of town. But im sure I'll never really know, im working 3rd shift this week and was up all night trying to figure it out.
I discovered him when he started developing for the thunderbolt and his roms made my thunderbolt run better than anything else. I flashed every rom he put out for that phone. When he moved on he left a hole in that community. No rom I could find was able to fill it.
I picked up my first nexus on release day, but by the end of the first week and a half i was on my third. I was getting very frustrated with this device. Then I found out he would be cooking up some of his magic for the GN. it was like getting a breath of fresh air. I waited as long as I could before flashing axiom, I wanted to enjoy stock ICS and all its new goodness. This is without a doubt the best rom I have ran on any of the 3 android devices I have owned (D2,TB, GN). So smooth i'm drowning in butter.
I never spoke or chatted with DT in any way shape or form, I usually just remain quiet unless I'm looking for help with something. But after having run his roms for the last 8 months I can say that this was a guy who enjoyed what he did. He will probably miss doing what he did more than I will enjoy flashing his roms. His OPs always had I list full of thanks with explanations of why he was giving them. I can't remember him ever asking for anything other than the usual donate here link.
I hope that this situation can be fixed or settled and DT can come back for those of us who have appreciated everything he had done for this community and our awesome devices, which are better with his butter.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus that is a little sad today