I don't have a Nexus, but I've seen the drama go down in the community. Sad to see such a talented and popular dev pushed to this point. EmericanX said it perfectly. As a matter of fact, he allowed me use of one of his themes for a theme I was developing for the D3. It's all about making each other better and pushing each other to continue to achieve greater things. In the end, we'll all win, as long as we figure out that we're all on the same team.
Exactly! We do what we do for the fun of it! I never have an issue with letting someone use something of mine as long as some sort of credit is there. I think a lot of people forget what a community is about! If everyone would just work together and leave the drama out there's no where to go but get better! I've said this before and I'll say it again until it sticks. Google made Android open source for a reason! For the community to work together and share openly with peers! Some must loose site of that when their ROM or theme or whatever isn't as popular as the next persons. I could personally care less! I do it because its a hobby that I enjoy to do. If someone enjoys my work awesome! If someone wants to modify my work to they're own liking.... awesome! If you're doing it for popularity or what ever it is that make you think you have a right to try to break down others.... you need a reality check and an evaluation your priorities!
OK enough of that. I think I'm done. Lol. All I really want to say by all of this is that we should be working together! Not bickering and fighting like children. Btw... I hope everyone.... including whom ever started this drama.... has a great day!
Just don't do it again! ;-) lol
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